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Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering

Degree number of credits: 90

Compulsory credits: 18

Elective credits: 48

Final project: 12

Work placements/Internships: 12

Degree code: 2274

Years: Information not available

Teaching type: Presencial


Places available for new students: 20

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Medicine and Odontology

Languages used in class: Spanish and english

Participating Universities: University of Valencia and Technical University of Valencia.

Academic Coordinating Committee: David Ramos Soler (Director)
Javier Saiz Rodríguez UPV
Antonio Pellicer Martínez
Pedro Vera UPV
Vicente Tráver Salcedo UPV
Mª Vicenta Alandi Palanca (PAS)


Pre-registration and enrollment will take place at the coordinating university (UPV)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: Biomedical Engineering is one of the fields of engineering which has gone through a greater growth in the last few years. Is a continuously-spreading area based on the functioning of living beings at nanoscopic level, the development of new biomaterials and the advances in tissue regeneration or in molecular images, among others, have provoked a revolution in biomedical and medicine sciences. This revolution is producing an important increase on the demand of professionals capable of integrating in cross-disciplinary teams along with health professionals, biologist and doctors to tackle new challenges for an improvement in health technology. On the other hand, the globalisation of the health care together with the aging of the population, makes it necessary to develop new medical technologies able to improve not only the quality of life of the citizenship, but also able to control the costs of the health care ensuring the sustainability of the system. This demand for medical technology is motivating the need for engineers to conceive, design, develop, produce, install and instruct in the usage of medical equipment and instruments. Nowadays, all these factors make Biomedical Engineering a strategic area in the development of economy based in the knowledge, and an area with great potential for the development of new industries.

Pre-enrolment information: etsii@upvnet.upv.es

Academic information: David.Ramos@uv.es