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Master's Degree in Human Resources Management

Degree number of credits: 120

Compulsory credits: 105

Final project: 15

Degree code: 2126

Years: 2

Teaching type: Presencial


Master degree website: www.uv.es/master-recursos-humanos

Places available for new students: 35

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Social Sciences

Languages used in class: Spanish

Participating Universities: University of Valencia

Academic Coordinating Committee: Fernando Pons Verdú (Co-director)
Andres Salas Vallina (Co-director)
Mª Teresa Canet Giner
Vanesa Cordero Gordillo
Raúl Lorente Campos
Virginia Orengo Castella
Mª Lourdes Menor Sánchez (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: This Master’s aims to train experts capable of providing both solid and innovative knowledge, such as respectful values in the field of human resources management, its different methodologies and techniques in relation with business organisation, management practices, promotion of quality in working life and business strategy. Its curriculum responds to the current needs of the business network and of the corresponding increasing working demand, as well as the recent Spanish policies of R & D and the “Europa 20” strategy of this decade, with particular attention to production, economic development and the welfare of the staff involved in these activities.

PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Social, Labour and Human Resources Sciences

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: socimast@uv.es