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Master's Degree in Corporate Law, Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice

The student’s academic records in the degree of origin are given priority in the entry process, ordering candidates according to their average grade. Secondly, additional points are given for secondary degrees (two points), another masters related with the subject (three points), non-official master's courses (up to two points) and postgraduate and specialisation courses, in proportion to their duration (up to two points). Thirdly, professional experience in the masters’ areas and having passed examinations for public posts in the civil service or via competitions will also be valued (up to three points, plus those earned in the years of activity). Fourthly, research merit consisting of publications, scholarships, stays at training or research centres, team collaboration and research activities, etc. (up to three points, plus those earned in the years of activity). And finally, correction coefficients will be applied to those applying for the masters but not as their first choice, and to those coming from degrees other than the legal and business ones.