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Master’s Degree in Health Chemistry and Biochemistry

Degree number of credits: 90

Compulsory credits: 48

Elective credits: 12

Final project: 12

Work placements/Internships: 18

Degree code: 2272

Years: 2

Teaching type: Blended

Knowledge branch: Sciences

Master degree website: https://links.uv.es/sEc0ctr

Places available for new students: 25

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Credit price: 27,67 €

Exceptions to the price per credit 82 € for non-EU or non-resident students

Management Centre: Faculty of Chemistry

Languages used in class: Spanish and catalan

Participating Universities: Universidad de Barcelona, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Universidad de Girona, Universitat de València


Pre-registration and enrollment will take place at the coordinating Universitat de Barcelona (https://web.ub.edu/en/home)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: The significance of chemistry in the healthcare industry has grown rapidly due to advancements in analytical, biochemical and molecular techniques. Therefore, there is a need to train chemistry and related degree graduates to work in the health sector, particularly in research. Professionals in chemistry and related subjects bring an analytical vision and knowledge of bioanalytical and biochemical processes that enrich research groups. This Master’s Degree offers training in the interdisciplinary area of health chemistry and biochemistry. It covers fundamental concepts of disease and pathology, quality control – essential for laboratory management and method validation – and bioinformatics data analysis, in order to extract data and support decision-making.

Pre-enrolment information: secretaria.quimica@ub.edu

Academic information: secretaria.quimica@ub.edu