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Study and Analysis of the Business Demand

The analysis of the business demand carried out by the UVJob is based on the analysis of the Valencian employers’ opinions about the characteristics and competences that the graduated must have in order to find a job in their enterprises, as well as the level of competences presented by those newly qualified which have already been hired, the evolution of the university employment and its future perspectives, and finally the way the enterprise recruit and select university students.

The obtained outcomes are analysed according to the qualifications and the specific academic area of the UV. Additionally, the different viewpoints of employers and graduates who take part in the Surveys of graduates insertion and the valuation obtained in the different employers surveys are compared. The previous study has as purpose adjusting the imparted education to the demands of the labour market and identifying relevant changes in these demands.


First study of Employers

Second study of Employers

More information: uvempleo.estudios@uv.es