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OPAL Courses

Apart from the specific and technical knowledge of the degree you need to complete your training by acquiring competences and skills in order to join the working world as soon as possible.

OPAL courses, not only can be validated by free election credits they also offer an extensive training in tools and techniques for job search.

Get enroled!  Click on this link and access to the range of courses of OPAL.

Access to OPAL courses

Enrolment in a course involves the acceptance of general requirements

Training activities of ADEIT

University-Business Foundation ADEIT, on the other hand offers a full range of training activities on job search and entrepreneurial activities.

Employment Mondays

If you are university students you can find your professional future trough the Employment Mondays, where companies will yourself know their processes for hiring graduates, which will help you to develop your professional career.

Moreover, in each of the presentations, you will know the job offers available at this moment or even you can participate in the selection processes that depending on the needs of companies may start after the presentation.

As a complement, lectures will be scheduled for improving the employability of graduates taught by experts in different fields.

During the current academic year various sessions are carried out in ADEIT. You should fill out the registration form for attending it. You must fulfil your personal details only once.

Professional traineeships

Professional traineeships are a tool for the graduates of the University of Valencia, so they can improve the acquisition of skills in tasks related to their university studies.

These are announced by the entities interested in involving our graduates in their activities. For information on the terms and conditions and the procedures for requesting a call, the entities should fill out this form or call to the telephone 962 057 975.

Graduates  can apply for it by filling out the form which appears in their last page and submit it to beques@adeit.uv.es and they should attach the documentation requested it or hand over it in the headquarters of ADEIT.

The participating entity will appoint a person responsible of the training process. The mentorship is shared with the University of Valencia by a professor specialist in the subject related to the traineeship, who will check the programme of activities proposed by the entity and After finishing the traineeship period, usually a semester, the professor will receive the traineeship report by the student, who will evaluate his/her adaptation to the activities programme and the fulfilment of the targeted goals. Then, if the traineeship has finished successfully a certificate could be issued.

For participating in the selection process the candidates must comply with the requirements of the call, being common for all of them as they have finished their studies at the University of Valencia within the 4 academic years, except that in the call is stated a lower number of academic years, or that the call allow the access of undergraduate, diplomatura, licenciatura, technical engineering or engineering students who still have to complete the number of credits of their studies or the undergraduate final project, undergraduate degree or master’s degree.

Chari for Business Culture  (more information)

The goals of the Chair for Business Culture are the following:

  • To promote business initiatives and entrepreneurial spirit.
  • To promote business culture teaching among university students.
  • To complete university research and academic training through practical training that raise business values.
  • To ease the integration of university students in the private sector of business when they have completed their training, either as a part of a private entity or developing their own professional activity.
  • To encourage universities students to develop their own business activity and thus to contribute to the creation of business.
  • To provide students with essential training that will arouse their business concerns.

Training activities