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Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering

Internationalisation and mobility form part of the Strategic Plan of the Universitat de València, which sets as its objective “to achieve the internationalisation of the Universitat de València in all areas, promoting exchange and mobility and participating especially in the construction of spaces for higher education and international European research". For its part, the Universitat Politècnica de València establishes in its 2020 Strategic Plan that by that year "the UPV will have developed a set of initiatives at a conceptual level that will feed into the next Strategic Plan and that should serve to make a qualitative leap to the UPV and position itself as an absolute reference University in Spain in the fields of research, teaching, transfer, management, alliances, internationalisation, relationship with the environment and impact on society".

Mobility with Cooperation Agreements in force in the UV:

  1. Università Politecnica delle Marche-Ancona (Italy)
  2. Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy)
  3. Politechnica Gdanska (Poland)
  4. Universidade do Porto (Portugal)

Mobility with Cooperation Agreements in force in the UPV:

  1. Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy)
  2. Institute of Life Science (Czech Republic)
  3. University of Natural Resources and Life Science (Austria)
  4. Norwegian University of Life Science (Norway)
  5. Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Portugal)


  • Planning and coordination of mobility programmes


In accordance with the Universitat de València Mobility Legislation (ACGUV 196/2013), each centre appoints a mobility coordinator, who has to be a member of the senior team with competence in international relations.  At the School of Engineering (ETSE-UV), the mobility coordinator is María Roser Benavent García.

The functions of the centre's coordinator are:

  • Supervise the activity of the coordinators of the mobility of the degrees assigned to the centre.
  • Encourage the signing of mobility agreements for the different degrees of the centre.
  • Verify that the enrolment process for mobility students is carried out properly.
  • To be the centre's speaker in matters of academic mobility with the competent service in matters of international relations and with the rest of the centres of the university.
  • Process proposals for mobility agreements with other institutions with the department responsible for international relations.
  • Substitute the coordinators of your centre's degree in the event of vacancy, absence or illness.
  • Any other function deemed convenient.



In the case of the UPV, the School of Civil Engineering (ETSICCP), through its International Relations Office, is responsible for managing the mobility of students of the Master's in Environmental Engineering. The office depends on the Assistant Manager of International Relations, whose holder is Juan Bautista Marco Segura.  The functions of this assistant manager are:

  • To establish the guidelines and strategies for internationalization and exchange.
  • To direct the relations with the associated foreign Universities.
  • To supervise the academic management of mobility.
  • To support students in exchange.

Finally, in the studies of the Master in Environmental Engineering, the director Mrs.  Aurora Seco Torrecilla assumes among her responsibilities, the following functions:

  • To advise and inform CISCA of the mobility issues of the Master's degree.
  • Propose mobility agreements that allow mobility places to be offered to incoming and outgoing students of the degree.
  • To be the academic interlocutor with the higher education institutions with which students have agreed on mobility.
  • To draw up the proposal for destinations for outgoing students, in the terms established in the corresponding mobility calls.
  • To spread the information of the mobility programs among the students of the degree and inform about the requirements that must be met to participate.
  • To supervise the study agreements and the mobility internship agreements of the incoming and outgoing students of the degree.
  • To sign study agreements and mobility placement agreements for incoming and outgoing students of the degree, as well as their modifications, if necessary.
  • To tutor the process of academic incorporation of outgoing students in the destination degree as well as the degree of incoming students in the university.
  • To resolve the academic recognition of outgoing students after the end of the mobility period.
  • To inform the competent international relations department about students who do not meet the achievement requirements. 
  • Any other function deriving from current legislation
  • Information provided to students participating in mobility programmes or actions.

It is important to highlight that from the web pages of the centres responsible for the degree (ETSE [UV]; ETSICCP [UPV]), the student can access the information referring to these programmes, bearing in mind that it is subdivided into the different existing programmes:

  • ERASMUS PROGRAMME (Europe), which is divided into Erasmus Studies and Erasmus Placement

Within each of these programs we find the basic information of each of them (general information, calls, scholarships and financial endowment ...).

Apart from the information on the website, both the Universitat de València and the Universitat Politècnica de València carry out actions to disseminate and promote mobility organised by the different centres in collaboration with the International Relations Services. During these sessions, the different programmes are explained and students are motivated to participate.  These sessions provide information on language requirements, requirements for the degree to participate, phases and dates for submitting the application to participate and how to request the information that is available on the portal of the UV STUDENT, within the appendix called Mobility and Exchange (http://www.uv.es/uvweb/estudiants-UV/es/movilidad-intercambio/erasmus-estudios/informacion-general-1285852975132.html). In the case of the UPV, the information is available on both the website of the Office of International Exchange Programs (http://www.upv.es/entidades/OPII/indexc.html) and in the International Relations Office of ETSICCP (http://www.cam.upv.es/web/expl.aspx?id=$4$Internacional), where applications can also be processed.

For incoming students, the first support and information action is to send detailed information to the home university for transmission to students.  Once they have joined the Universitat de València and Universitat Politècnica de València, they are given informative material and are explained the steps or procedures that they have to carry out from that moment on. Both universities have programmes that include a day of reception and mentors and interns to accompany the newly arrived students.

Finally, in order to provide an integral accompaniment, welcome days are also held in which they are provided with information about the city, the university and their studies, and throughout the course different socio-cultural activities are carried out, from guided excursions by university lecturers to visits to museums, institutions, etc.