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Master's Degree in New Journalism, Political Communication and Knowledge Society

Criteria and assessment

· All program of graduate are admitted to the master's degree.

· Master's degree students of international origin are admitted,  who possess and attest the C1 certificate of Spanish, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

·Academic Coordinating Committee (CCA) will use the next assessment scale (maximum 10 points):

1) Academic record (maximum 6 points)

a) Graduated in Journalism (weight coefficient 1).

b) Graduated in Audiovisual Communication (weight coefficient 0,8)

c) Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations, Sociology, Political Science and Public Administration (weight coefficient 0,6)

d) Graduated in Philology, History, History of Art, Geography, Psychology, Philosophy, Humanities, Physical Education (weight coefficient 0,5)

e) All graduates (weight coefficient 0,3)

2) Experience and professional training or accredited research in areas related to the contents of the Master (maximum 3 points)

3) Other merits: language knowledge (not inferior to B1 of the Common European Framework), letters of presentation, complementary training, (maximum 1 point).