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Master's Degree in New Journalism, Political Communication and Knowledge Society

If the Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree considers during the admission procedure in view of the documentation adducted that the applicant does not have enough competences in communication and journalism, the student will be asked to course the following complementary training. Particularly, the student will course during the first semester up to 10.5 ECTS corresponding to subjects of the Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism. These subjects resume the essential information that any student who has not previously studied Journalism, Communication or Public Relations should have to study this Master’s Degree:

  • Digital Journalism (6 ECTS)
  • Political Communication and Public Opinion (4.5 ECTS)

The complementary training will be allocated depending on the student’s profile:

  • Graduates in Journalism, Audio-visual Communication, Publicity or Public Relations don’t need to course complementary training.
  • Graduates in Sociology, Political Science, Law and Psychology must course the subject Digital Journalism (6 ECTS).
  • Graduates in any other degree must course the subjects Digital Journalism (6 ECTS), Political Communication and Public Opinion (4.5 ECTS).