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Master's Degree in Speech Therapy Intervention Specialization

The following priority levels are established for admission:

Priority level 1: Degree and/or certificate in speech therapy.

Priority level 2: Degrees related to education that include specialised subjects in care for people with needs derived from communication, language and/or speech difficulties; only in the event that the offer is greater than the existing demand for applications at priority level 1.

Priority level 3: Degrees in psychology, medicine, physiotherapy or psychopedagogy that accredit previous training in communication, language and/or speech disorders; only in the event that the offer is greater than the existing demand for applications at priority levels 1 and 2.

On the other hand, in order to be admitted to this Master's Degree, in addition to holding a university degree that allows access to the Master’s, students from non-Spanish speaking countries or from foreign education systems where the language of instruction is not Spanish, must certify a B2 level of Spanish, as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).