Universitat de ValènciaGrau en Mestre/a en Educació PrimàriaFacultat de Magisteri Logo del portal


The Employment Portal connects job vacancies with job seekers, who can include their CV after filling in an online form. Businesses can list openings through the Job Bank and/or the Jobs Board.

The OPAL Careers Service aims to promote employability of UV students and graduates by using different tools:


Job Bank

The Job Bank boosts job opportunities for UV students and graduates by providing two services related to job vacancies. Just sign up to start using it.

  • Jobs Board: a weekly collection of job openings from different sources such as newspapers, web pages and professional associations
  • Job Bank: this tool sends personalised job offers suitable to the student/graduate profile so it is very important to have an updated online CV..

More information in the Job Bank, and in:

  • Email: opalges@uv.es
  • Telephone numbers: 961625909 / 961625911

Business Directory

After businesses are registered in the OPAL employment portal, they can post job openings to UV students and graduates and receive qualified CVs via two services:

  • Jobs Board: thanks to this tool, job openings reach all candidates who meet the requirement of having graduated. In addition, the way to receive CVs can be chosen.
  •  Job Bank: this tool makes an automatic shortlist of candidates. Only those who meet all the requirements for the job opening will be notified and listed in the computer application in which the CV can be viewed.

More information in the Job Bank, and in:

The Business Directory provides the opportunity to consult contact information of those responsible for the selection process for businesses collaborating with the Careers Service. This directory is another way for businesses to recruit and it facilitates self-candidacy for users.

Furthermore, ADEIT (the University-Business Foundation) will contact employers to collaborate in the selection process, making it easy to hire qualified personnel who suit a particular job opening.

To submit a job vacancy, please fill in the online online form .

Become familiar with the characteristics of  work placement/internship contract an ideal instrument to hire recent UV graduates.

Professional training internship  grants offer university graduates a chance to receive hands-on experience in a business or entity that trains highly-qualified future employees.

For more information contact us at ocupacio@adeit.uv.es


Jobs Fairs

Job Fairs are annual events that the University of Valencia organises to put businesses in contact with job seekers. In addition to booths, there are conferences, lectures and training workshops targeted for the university community that serve as a point of reference while looking for a job.

As UV users you can receive first-hand information from company representatives during the Job Fair. In addition, you can:

  • Know which companies have job openings.
  • Know the most demanded career profiles requested by companies.
  • Become familiar with company selection tests.
  • Know which professional competencies are most valued by companies.
  • Submit your CVs.
  • Become familiar with work placement/internship programmes and employment in companies.
  • Attend public presentations by companies.

More information in the Employment Forum


Teleinserción (an online system)

If you participate in professional orientation activities you can sign up for Teleinserción  OPEA, an online system that will help you find employment with the use of the Internet.

The platform enables adapted versions such as  Morvedre to offer this service to specific groups including university women at the Campo de Morvedre who participate in the Equal M.O.R.V.E.D.R.E programme.

Teleinserción is a European Project coordinated by the University-Business Foundation with the support of the European Commission  Leonardo da Vinci  Programme

 More information at empleo@adeit.uv.es