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The student of the Master's Degree in Advanced Optometry and Vision Sciences must be a professional of the area of the Optometry sciences and Vision Sciences, interested in increasing their scientific and practical knowledge in a course of applied clinic vocation, but with a training that enables them, occasionally, to begin a research career.

Those who are in possession of the degree in Optics and Optometry will have preferential access to the Master’s Degree in Advanced Optometry and Vision Sciences of the UVEG. Degrees in the area of Health Sciences will also be considered preferred. The qualifications of foreign higher education related to training in the area of​Optics and Optometry and others within the area of Health Sciences will also be considered as preferred, prior homologation in accordance with current regulations.

In the case of students with specific educational needs arising from disability, the Academic Coordinating Committee (CCA) of the Master’s Degree will be responsible for finding the appropriate support and advice services, which will assess the need for possible curricular adaptations.