Logo UVDegree in Social EducationFaculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences Logo del portal

Degree number of credits: 60

Compulsory credits: 10

Elective credits: 30

Final project: 20

Degree code: 2044

Years: 1

Teaching type: Presencial

Knowledge branch: ARTS AND HUMANITIES

Master degree website: http://www.masterhistoriacontemporanea.es

Places available for new students: 40

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Geography and History

Languages used in class: Spanish and Valencian

Participating Universities: University of Valencia, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Autonomous University of Madrid, Complutense University of Madrid, University of Cantabria, Basque Country University / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Zaragoza and Menéndez Pelayo International University.

Academic Coordinating Committee: Ferran Archilés Cardona (Director)
Ana M. Aguado Higón
Julián Sanz Hoya
Nuria Tabanera García
Sergio Valero Gómez
Mª José Yllera Rodríguez (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: History, because of its pluralism, complexity and generality constitutes a good school for the analysis of social problems at a small and large scale: the training of the historian (not just holding a degree in History) qualifies in many countries for a wide arrange of public and private tasks, trains specialists in the management of organisations and complex projects, in providing individuals with a heuristic and analytic capacity (in its double meaning) that other more specialised studies are not able to communicate.

PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Contemporary History

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: dpto.hist.moderna.contemporanea@uv.es