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Creadores Valencianos por los Derechos Humanos, Sep. 8th Oct. 20th Fac. of Social Sciences

In Paris, on December 10th 1948, the United Nations General Assembly made the Universal Declaration of Human Rights public, as a common ideal for all people and nations. A sense of responsibility and commitment was this way appealed to, so that a historical transcendental hiatus in the building and acknowledgment of each human life’s individual value could be established. That’s why the first article sustains that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”. But behind this proclamation laid the Holocaust trauma. A history of hate and unreason was never to occur again.


This occurrence was heir to a large history which unfolded into a universality principle in a slow, difficult and conflictive manner. Even then, the process lives on and this Declaration’s proclamation must not be seen as a point of arrival, but as a stop in a long journey. Within the taken steps, the implementation of the proclaimed rights extends, along with the enlargement of its repertoire and the reach of its meaning.


 The exhibition Creadores valencianos por los derechos humanos (Valencian creators support for Human Rights). Seventy years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, organised by the Universitat de València and Amnistía Internacional (Valencia), the exhibition brings together thirty Valencian graphic designers who interpret the principles of human dignity included in the Universal Declaration from their peculiar point of view, while they make a hopeful and consciousness-raising proposal.


From its birth, Amnistía Internacional promoted people-by-people mobilisation, and it currently has the support of more than seven million voices all over the world. Its task promotes critical awareness and converges in this exhibition to reclaim quality and dignity in life, along with the Universitat de València. In the last fifteen years, an increasing mobilisation of the civil society took place though various organisations (NGOs) to defend a wide set of rights: of women, children, sexual freedom, older people and the right to a dignified death, to accessible content in internet, an universal basic income for future generations... We don’t know what the next demand or fields of realisation will be, but the revolution for human rights keeps on moving.


ScheduleFrom 8 september 2021 to 20 october 2021. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 21:00.


Manuela Ballester Hall.-Faculty of Social Sciences

Organized by

Faculty of Social Sciences.


Contact culturasoc@uv.es

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