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FAQ: Frequent ly Asked Questions

1 - When and how should I apply for the International Programme?

The application for the 2020-2021 academic year will be carried out telematically through the Portal del Alumno from 11 to 29 November 2019.

2 - How can I know the places available?

Visit the Portal Servei Estudiants => Mobility Programmes in other universities => Mobility destinations list to find out which are the available universities according to your degree.

Not all the universities offer studies in all the degrees. Therefore, it is very important you check the webpage of the host university to make sure that your degree is offered. At Destinations you will find the link to all the universities.

3 - How much is the economic amount of the grant by the Universitat de València?

The amount of the aid depends on the country of destination and the duration of the stay, according to this table:


Six-month stays

Annual stays

Asia and Australia

5,000 euros

6,500 euros

United States, Canada and Russia

3,500 euros

5,000 euros

Latin America

2,500 euros

3,500 euros

Also, the awardees of the International Programme do not have to pay the enrolment fees of the destination university, although they have to enrol in the Universitat de València of the corresponding international credits.

4 - How many passed credits do I need to make the application?

You should have 42 passed credits from the Degree you are applying for the grant, on the previous academic year to apply for the call.

5 - If I have already carried out the Erasmus Programme, may I apply for International Programme?

Yes, it is possible to make both, but not in the same academic year.

6 - Are there additional economic supports?

In the 2019-2020 academic year the students that have been beneficiaries of the International Programme could apply for the Santander Iberoamérica de Grado grant (3,000 euros for students that had as a destination specific Ibero-American universities. This grant is incompatible with the aid of the Universitat de València for the International Programme) and the Cheque Univex by the Government of Valencia (100 euros per month).

We do not have information on the grants that can be applied for for the 2020-2021 academic year yet.

7 - How is the selection made?

The selection will be made considering the linguistic requirement of the Universitat de València and the students’ average mark compared to the average mark of their degree.

8 - How can I make recognised the credits I have done in the foreign university?

The students should sign a study contract with the coordinator of the coordinator of their degree, by indicating the subjects that want to carry out in the destination university and the equivalents that will be recognised at the Universitat de València. Once finished the stay, the destination university will send the marks and the recognition of credits will be made by taking into account the study contract.

9 - How do I justify the linguistic requirement?

The information related to the linguistic level required in each university can be consulted at the Portal Servei Estudiants within the option “Exchange programmes with other universities”.

In general, each destination there is only one language and competency level that the student have to credit. Nevertheless, in the destinations where it appears two or more languages, the accreditation of the level in any of them will be valid to comply with the linguistic requirement of this call.

There is more information in the section Linguistic Requirement

10 - Where can I find information about the TOEFL and where can I make the exam?

11 - When do I have to accredit the linguistic requirements?

The linguistic requirement should be accredited before the end of the application period (29 November 2019). Nevertheless, if you credit your level with IELTS or TOEFL you can present the accreditation until 30 December 2019. In this case, the students that in the moment of presenting the application do not have already the TOEFL or IELTS certificate have to telematically attach to the application the proof of registration to the tests that indicates that the students are taking the exam within the presentation periods of application (until 29 November). Also, before the 30 December they will have to present the proof with the exam grade.

12 - Can I do the same tests that the Erasmus applicants to credit the linguistic requirement?

No, the students that apply for the Erasmus grant will make a specific test for the Erasmus Programme, so this test is not useful to accredit the linguistic requirement for International Programmes.

13 - Where can I find information about the host university?

You have to check the webpage. You can access through the links of the list of universities that is in the section destinations.

14 - Which documents do I have to send to the host university?

Once you have been selected (general grants), the Office of International Relations will contact you to indicate what documents you have to send to the foreign university (application form, copy of the passport, certificate of good standing, copy of the academic record, letters of recommendation, etc.)
In case that the grants managed by the Faculty, the people responsible of the programmes at the Faculty will indicate you the documentation required.

15 - Do I need a visa? What type? How do I get it?

The students who travel out of the European Union need to obtain a student visa. The students have to consult the requirements to obtain the visa at the Embassy of the destination country. Before managing the visa will be essential to receive the acceptance letter of the destination university. In the case of Quebec (Canada), before processing the obtaining of the visa, the students will need the CAQ (Quebec acceptance certificate).

16 - Who is my mobility coordinator?

There is one mobility academic coordinator for each degree. You can find the coordinator of your degree in the list of coordinators.