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Development of the self-assessment tool (EVALUA) and the systems associated with the anonymisation process.

The purpose of the project is to make, for the Spanish Data Protection Agency, activities associated with the development of the Self-Assessment tool (EVALUA) and the systems associated with the anonymisation process.

We intend to ensure the operational status of the anonymisation processes associated to the documentation production in the AEPD, that take place in the primary heterogeneous information systems, grouped into four systems that work accordingly to the different needs of the different administrative units of the A.E.P.D. These systems are: Lotus Notes, Registro de Ficheros (File Register), Sigrid 2, R.E.N.O., @RESTA and other external sources.
The architecture used for the document management system of the AEPD has an intermediate system for the document processing, which will incorporate a metadata and database for the cataloguing and classification of the elements.
The machines involved are virtualised with VMWARE, they are different operating systems LINUX REDHAT, WINDOWS 2003. The databases are ORACLE and MYSQL. The documentation server is Alfresco and the one for the content is XIMDEX. Most of the applications are developed in JAVA EE technology, under the servers APACHE, TOMCAT and JBOSS. SPRING, CVS, MAVEN, JASPER are used.
On the other hand, the EVALUA self-assessment forms are part of the WEB services offered to the citizens.

Work to be done: 


  • Review and update the systems, procedures, documents classification guidelines that apply the thesaurus common to all elements.
  • Review and update the data dictionary to facilitate the search for information both to experienced and inexperienced users.
  • Review and update the workflow that AEPD must follow for updating the Sistema de Gestión Documental (Document Management System) and adapted to the AEPD needs.
  • Review and update the ontology to facilitate the encapsulation, categorisation and documents publication procedures and collect the new needs that arise.
  • Review and update the procedure for the automatic pre-classification of the AEPD documents.
  • Corrective development of the functionalities on the existent architecture and software tools in the information systems related with documents management and their publication.
  • Management of the users, profiles, audits, spaces, content types, maintenance of automatic rules and workflows in the documentation server Alfresco and update the necessary versions and patches.
  • Corrective and preventive development of the Self-Assessment tool (Evalúa) and associate systems.
  • Administration of the Sistema de Informes Jurídicos (Legal Reports System).
Start date
2010 December
End date
2011 March