Valencian territory, runner territory, Algemesí

Volta a Peu, Algemesí

Schedule: From 29 may 2019 to 30 june 2019. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday at 12:30 to 20:00.


Place: Museu Valencià de la festa, Calle Nou del Convent, s/n Algemesí


The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society, in collaboration with he General Office of Sports of the Valencian Government and Caixa Popular presents the exhibition “Territorio valenciano, territorio runner”, which evidences the increasing social and cultural importance of this activity thanks to the contributions of around 40 researchers of the Universitat de València and other experts in the subject.

The Valencian territory presents the highest rate of popular athletics across the State. In this pioneer, multidisciplinary and versatile exhibition on the enormous importance that athletics is acquiring in the Valencian society; a wide variety of topics will be addressed, such as health, physiology, life standards, nutrition, injury prevention, psychology, biomechanics, physical preparation, doping, sponsoring, modalities, etc.

Organized by:

Universitat de València en col·laboració amb la Direcció General d'Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana, Caixa Popular i l'Ajuntament d'Algemesí.



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