Visual Statistics
Seeing Data with Dynamic Interactive Graphics

Forrest W. Young, Pedro M. Valero-Mora and Michael Friendly. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics (2006)

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Visual Statistics brings the most complex and advanced statistical methods within reach of those with little statistical training by using animated graphics of the data. Using ViSta: The Visual Statistics System-developed by Forrest Young and Pedro Valero-Mora and available free of charge on the Internet-students can easily create fully interactive visualizations from relevant mathematical statistics, promoting perceptual and cognitive understanding of the data's story. An emphasis is placed on a paradigm for understanding data that is visual, intuitive, geometric, and active, rather than one that relies on convoluted logic, heavy mathematics, systems of algebraic equations, or passive acceptance of results.

Visual Statistics addresses the and features the following topics:

  • Why use dynamic graphics?
  • A history of statistical graphics
  • Visual statistics and the graphical user interface
  • Visual statistics and the scientific method
  • Character-based statistical interface objects
  • Graphics-based statistical interfaces
  • Visualization for exploring univariate data


Last update 4/3/14

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