Department of Basic Psychology

Research Group "Aggression and family"



 Valenciá       Español      


Projects and contracts 


Title: Eficácia de um Programa de Visitas Domiciliares para Favorecer a Responsividad e Materna [Efficacy of a Home visit program to increase maternal sensitivity]

Period: 2013 - 2017

Funded by:Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq/Brasil) Inter-university
Project Coordinator:Prof. Patricia Alvarenga


Title:Training of PCPS staff for accreditation in delivering the service and technical supervision (2nd edition) in 2013 Youngballymun Project with the support of the Department of Children, Family and Youth Affairs. Ireland.

Tenderer: Prof. Cerezo


Title:Implementation of Parent-Child Psychological Support (PCPS) Programme en Ballymun (2009). Youngballymun Project with the support of the Department of Children, Family and Youth Affairs. Ireland.

Tenderer: Prof. Cerezo


Title: Factores que afectan a la parentalidad y el procesamiento de la señal en contextos de interacción temprana: la insensibilidad materna y el desarrollo socio emocional infantil [Factors affecting parenting and signal processing in early-interaction contexts: Maternal insensitivity and socio-emotional development]

Period: 2007 - 2009

Funded by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Plan Nacional I+D+I

Code: SEJ2006-14377
Principal Researcher : Prof. Cerezo


Title: Programa de Apoyo Psicológico Materno-Infantil. Primer año de vida” [Parent Child  Psychological Support. First year of life]

Period: since 1990 - 2007 

Funded by: Valencian Autonomous Government. Central Government. Local Authority of Aldaia , Valencia ]


Title:Parent-Child Psychological Support (PCPS) Programme Training and Supervision of HSE staff to deliver PCPS and Consulting for Jobstown (2001-2009). South Western Area Health Board (SWAHB) [now Health Service Executive (HSE)].

Tenderer: Prof. Cerezo


Títle: Elaboración del II Plan Nacional de Acción contra la Explotación Sexual de la infancia y la adolescencia.[Design of the II National Plan against the sexual explotation of children and adolescents]
Period: 2005 - 2006
Funded by : Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales
Tenderer: Prof. Pons-Salvador

Títle: Asesoramiento y estudio de casos de familias con malos tratos. [Supervision of Therapists of families with child maltreatment problems]
Period: 1998 - 2002
Funded by : APREMI (Asociación de la Comunidad Valenciana para la Promoción de los Derechos del Niño y la Prevención del Maltato Infantil).
Tenderer: Prof. Pons-Salvador

Títle: Maltrato infantil: detección y actuación con víctimas de maltrato y casos de riesgo en el ámbito escolar. [Child Matreatment: detection and intervention on child abuse victims from the school context]
Period: 2000
Funded by : Excmo Ayuntamiento de Gandía
Tenderer: Prof. Pons-Salvador

Títle: Child Sexual Abuse: perpetrators and victims. Identifying legal obstacles that decrease the psycological rehabilitation of victims and perpetrators in three European countries.
Period: 1999 - 2000
Funded by : European Commission. DAPHNE Initiative.
Senior Researcher : Prof. Cerezo

Títle: Sensibilidad/Insensibilidad Materna en la Interacción Temprana Madre-Hijo y la relación Asincrónica. Un estudio de Patrones Secuenciales en los Dos Primeros Años de Vida. [Maternal In/Sensitivity in early mother-child interation and the asynchronous relation. A study of sequential patterns the first two years of life.
Period: 1998 - 2001 (Three years)
Funded by : Ministerio de Educación y Cultura DGICYT I+D
Code: PS97-1394.
Principal Researcher : Prof. Cerezo


Títle: Concerted action on the prevention of child abuse in Europe (CAPCAE)
Period: 1996 - 1999
Funded by : European Union- BIOMED
Code: BMH4-CT96-0829 (9 countries).
Tenderer: Dr. Corinne Wattam, University of Lancaster, Inglaterra; Universidad de Valencia Associate Contractor. Senior Researcher for Spain: Prof. Cerezo.


Title: Prevención del maltrato infantil desde el ámbito escolar. [Preventing child maltreatment from school context]
Period: 1998 - 2001 (Three years)
Funded by : Govern Balear y Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales
Tenderers: Prof. Cerezo
y prof. Pons-Salvador


Title: Fomento de la detección y mejora de la intervención con menores y familias en riesgo de maltrato. [Increasing detection and improving intervention in maltreated children and family at risk]
Period: 1995 - 1997 (Three years)
Funded by : Govern Balear y Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales
Tenderer: Prof. Cerezo

Title: Pautas de socialización coercitivas vs. competentes en madres abusivas y no abusivas.[Coercive vs. Competent socialization patterns in abusive and non-abusive families]
Period: 1995-1998 (Three years)
Funded by : Ministerio de Educación y Cultura DGICYT I+D
Code: PS94-0192.
Senior Researcher : Prof. Cerezo

Title: Patrones interaccionales y socialización inconsistente en familias con problemas de relación y abuso infantil. [Interactive patterns and inconsistent socialization in family with child abuse problems]
Period: 1992-1995 (Three years)
Funded by : Ministerio de Educación y Cultura DGICYT I+D 
Code: PS91-0132.
Senior Researcher : Prof. Cerezo



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