Chemistry, medicine and crime



Mateu J. B. Orfila (1787- 1853)

and his times


English --- Català --- Castellano
Participants --- Scientific Programme --- Abstracts


Chemistry, Medicine and Crime: Mateu Orfila (1787-1853) and his times

Maó, 19th-20th March, 2004.

19th March


9 h. Introduction: Orfila and his times.

Introduction: Alvar Martínez-Vidal (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Josep Vidal (Institute of Menorque Studies)

Orfila and his biographers: Agustí Nieto-Galan (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and José R. Bertomeu Sánchez (University of Valencia)

10 h. Coffee break

Teaching chemistry for medical students: Public and private courses of chemistry in Paris during early nineteenth-century: A. García Belmar (University of Alicante)

Organic and Biological Chemistry in a Medical Context: The Research School of Adolphe Wurtz at the Faculty of Medicine, Paris (1853-1884): Ana Carneiro – New University of Lisboa

13 h. Lunch


16 h. Medical chemistry in Paris during nineteenth- century.

The disintegration of plant and animal chemistry and the formation of carbon chemistry around 1830 : Ursula Klein - Max Planck Institut- Berlin.

Building a discipline: medical chemistry in early nineteenth century: María José Ruiz Somavilla (University of Malaga)

18 h. Coffee break

Mateu Orfila on the web: Paris Medical library and the digitalisation of Orfila’s books. Guy Cobolet (Paris Medical Faculty)


20th March


9 h. Chemistry, medicine and crime

Nineteenth-century Toxicology The toxicology of Robert Christison: European influences and British practice in the early nineteenth century. Brenda White & Anne Crowther (University of Glasgow)

Bones of Contention: Orfila, Normal Arsenic, and British Toxicology: Ian A. Burney. (Wellcome Unit, Manchester).

11 h. Coffee break

Mateu Orfila and the affaire Lafarge. José R. Bertomeu (University of Valencia).

Orfila and French legal medicine during nineteenth- century. Frédéric Chauvaud (University of Poitiers)

13 h. Lunch