mail: vicente.felix@uv.es

Profesor Asociado. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de Valencia.

Nuestra línea de investigación se centra en tres aspectos principalmente: El Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH), la Violencia Escolar (Bullying) y las Dificultades de Aprendizaje (DA).


Ávila, C., Cuenca, I., Félix, V., Parcet, M.A. y Miranda, A. (2004). Measuring impulsivity in school- aged boys and examining its relationship with ADHD and ODD ratings. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 32, 295-304 (PDF)

ABSTRACT: Seven different laboratory measures of impulsivity were administered to a group of 165 school-aged boys. Parents’ and teachers’ ratings of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional/Defiant Disorder were also obtained. Factor analyses of impulsivity measures revealed the existence of a strong Inhibitory Control Factor including measures derived from Stop Task, the Continuous Performance Test, the Matching Familiar Figures Test, and the Circle Tracing Task. Other forms of impulsivity like resistance to interference, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and efficiency in the DRL Task loaded on a second independent factor. The Inhibitory Control factor was correlated with ADHDratings, whereas the second factorwas slightly related to the presence ofODDsymptoms. Discussion is focused on the relevance of inhibitory control in impulsivity and ADHD research. KEYWORDS: impulsivity; inhibitory control; disinhibition; ADHD; ODD.

Miranda, A., Félix, V. y Ávila, C. (2005). Validez de las Tareas Neuropsicológicas en la Evaluación del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad. Psicología General y Aplicada, 58(3), 297-307.(PDF)

ABSTRACT: This study investigated the ecological validity of neuropsychological tasks (Stop Task, Matching Familiar Figures Test, Continuous Performance Test and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test), for the assessment and treatment of children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder. The sample consisted in 30 children with ADHD and a control group of 30 children, all aged 6 to 12 years and levelled intelligence in both groups. We found that, in general, children with ADHD underperformed on neuropsychological tasks. Discriminant analysis, using neuropsychological variables, classified correctly a 76,7% of ADHD children and a 86,7% of control children. Finally, correlations between neuropsychological tasks scores and teacher’s rating on ADHD children show that these two sources of data are related in some degree.

Félix, V. (2005). Perspectivas recientes en la Evaluación Neuropsicológica y Comportamental del TDAH. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 3, 215-232 (PDF)

ABSTRACT: This paper shows new tendencies in the assessment of the attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Beginning with the more traditional assessment based on behavioral estimations performed in natural contexts by parents and teachers, to neuropsychological evaluation of executive functions, to considering challenges of Functional Magnetic Resonance (fRM). Keywords: ADHD evaluation, executive functions, neuropsychological evaluation, fRM.

Félix, V. (2006). Recursos para el diagnóstico de TDAH y Comorbilidades. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 4(3), 623-642. (PDF)

Félix, V. (2007). Intervención psicopedagógica y farmacológica ante los trastornos del comportamiento de inicio en la infancia y en la adolescencia(PDF)

Félix, V. (2007). Conceptualización del comportamiento disruptivo en niños y adolescentes. (PDF)

Félix, V. (2007). Funciones ejecutivas: estimación de la flexibilidad cognitiva en población normal y un grupo psicopatológico(PDF)

Félix, V., Soriano, M., Godoy, C. y Martínez, I. (2008) . Prevención de la violencia y promoción de la convivencia escolar en la Comunitat Valenciana: Plan PREVI. Aula Abierta, 36 , nº 1- 2, 97-110 (PDF)

ABSTRACT: Violence prevention and promotion of prosocial responses in schools at Comunitat Valenciana (Plan PREVI). Plan PREVI, which consists of different measures to prevent violence in schools and to increase and promote prosocial responses to conflict , includes: Measures of prevention for the Education System, with initiatives to increase adult supervision and training for all members; Measures of prevention for people at risk, with procedures for responding to emergency situations and Measures of prevention for the society, which encourage society involvement about issues related to violence in schools. Although schools may provide opportunities for violence to occur, they can also provide students with opportunities to follow principles of personal safety, strengthen academic and social skills and develop good peer relationships by learning effective nonviolent solutions to conflict. Plan PREVI is an attempt to modify school climate by promoting a clear message that violence is unacceptable and that all members acknowledge responsibility to act in a way that may encourage the participation of the school community. Keywords: Violence prevention policy, violence in schools, measures to prevent violence in schools.

Félix, V., Godoy, C. y Martínez, I. (2008). Violencia entre iguales: resultados de un estudio descriptivo de la provincia de Valencia. Informació Psicològica, 94, 36-48 (PDF)

ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of the different types of violence among the non-University school population of the Valencian Community. Sample: We analysed 395 registered incidences among people between 3 and 19 years old. Survey: An on line questionnaire was used in order to record the above mentioned incidences. Results: The average age of aggressors is around 12 years old, whereas the victims are about 14. The data given show how often the different types of violence appeared, as well as the dates and places where they occurred more frequently. Information also provides the percentages of police and medical reports, as well as data about the school surroundings.

Félix, V., Soriano, M. y Godoy, C. (2009). Un estudio descriptivo sobre el acoso y violencia escolar en la educación obligatoria Escritos de Psicología, 2(2), 43-51 (PDF)

ABSTRACT: The present study analyses the violence in a non university school population at the Valencian Community, thorough dates obtained from an online register. In general, analysis of data shows that aggression is more often on the first courses of Secondary Education, where more disciplinary measures are used. Physical and verbal violence are more often than violence against property, social exclusion or sexual violence. According to topography, most part of incidences occurs in classrooms, courtyards, corridors and around the school. Acts of violence are not invisible: Pupils, tutors and teachers recognize violent acts, but families report them less often. There are one or two people implicated in acts of violence. Percentage of men is bigger than women as bullies, but there are no sex differences when we talk about victims, except the first courses of secondary school, where there are more male victims. Keywords: School violence, obligatory education, online register.

Félix, V., Soriano, M., Godoy, C. y Sancho, S. (2010). El Ciberacoso en la Etapa Obligatoria. Aula Abierta, 38 (1), 47-58 (PDF)

ABSTRACT: Cyberbullying has recently emerged as a new form of bullying and harassment. This report examines the prevalence of dating cyberbullying related to age and gender (use of internet or mobiles to send repeated harmful or cruel text messages or images) in a school population of the compulsory education in the Valencian Community. Results show that from the total of incidents registered in the on line instrument of any kind of violence, 3% of the cases were related to the use of new technologies. Moreover, 74% of the incidences registered were referred to sms and 26% to images (photo/video). As for gender, women were more cybervictims and men showed a role of cyberbullies. Results show a great relation between cyberbullying and other forms of traditional byllying. We found that at least 41,9% of cyberbullying cases were associated to disciplinary measures taken from schools. Keywords: Cyberbullying, school violence, prevalence, school bullying

Félix, V. (2010). Neuropsicología Infantil: Intento de validción del Trail-Making Test en población escolar no patológica. Quaderns Digitals, 65 , (PDF)

Félix, V. (2010). Implicaciones Educativas y Legales del Ciberacoso. Quaderns Digitals, 65 , (PDF)

Soriano, M., Miranda, A., Soriano, E., Nievas, F. y Félix, V. (2011). Examining the efficacy of an intervention to improve fluency and reading comprehension in Spanish children with Reading Disabilities. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 58(1), 47-59 , (PDF)

ABSTRACT: The main goal of the present study was to examine the efficacy of a multi-component programme to improve reading fluency and text comprehension in Spanish children with reading disabilities (RD). Special needs teachers were trained in the application of the programme, which included repeated reading plus phonological awareness training and grapheme–phoneme decoding training. Instruction was delivered one to one. Participants were 22 students with RD, aged 10–13, distributed in two groups: one with 12 children who received the intervention (experimental group), and the other with 10 children who received no intervention (comparison group). The effects of the training programme were evaluated using gains in scores on word and pseudo-word reading and text reading fluency, as well as on a text comprehension test. Results of analyses of covariance comparing the two groups with age as a covariate showed that children who participated in the intervention obtained statistically significant gains on the reading measures used, with the exception of text comprehension. Results are discussed with regard to effective interventions for students with reading disabilities. Reflections on the study’s limitations provide a basis for recommending future lines of research. Keywords: intervention; multi-component training; phonological awareness training; reading comprehension; reading disabilities; reading fluency; repeated reading;transparent orthography

Félix, V. (2011). Cuestionario BRIEF como Tarea Complementaria a la Evaluación Neuropsicológica del Funcionamiento Ejecutivo. Quaderns Digitals, 66 (PDF)

Félix, V., Ripoll, F. y Martínez, M. (2014). Informe sobre la necesidad de crear un aula terapéutica en secundaria, para alumnos con NEE derivadas de trastornos muy graves de personalidad. Supervisión 21, 34, 1-17. (PDF)

Soriano, M., Félix, V. & Begeny, J.C. (2014). Executive function domains among children with ADHD: Do they differ between parents and teachers ratings? Procedia – Social & Behavioral Sciences, 132, 80-86. (PDF)

 ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate parents and teachers behavior rating measures of executive functions (EFs) in everyday activities in ADHD children, predominantly inattentive and combined type, relative to their typically developing peers. 16 children with ADHD combined type and 14 with ADHD predominantly inattentive type were age -and gender- matched to 30 typically developing peers. Both parents and teachers of the participants completed the BRIEF. As expected, the executive functioning of children with ADHD were rated significantly worse than those of controls by both parents and teachers. Also, ADHD combined type was rated by parents and teachers as lower than the ADHD inattentive group. 

Soriano, M., Nievas, F., Sánchez, P., Félix, V. & González, J.A. (2014). Reading-related cognitive deficits in Spanish developmental dyslexia. Procedia – Social & Behavioral Sciences, 132, 1-9. (PDF).

 ABSTRACT: Spanish-speaking children learn to read words written in a relatively transparent orthography. Variations in orthographic transparency may shape the manifestation of reading difficulties. This study was intended to help clarify the nature of developmental dyslexia in Spanish. Developmentally Dyslexic children (DD) were compared to a chronological age-matched control group (CA). Measures included rapid automated naming, verbal working memory, phonological short-term memory, and phonemic awareness. Results demonstrated that developmental dyslexics show reading-related cognitive deficits in areas such as naming speed, verbal working memory, phonological short-term memory, and phonemic awareness. Our results are consistent with studies conducted in the Spanish language and in other transparent orthographies.

González, M.J., Soriano, M., Delgado, M. y Félix, V. (2016). How are Reading Disabilities Operationalized in Spain? A study of practicing School Psychologists. Journal of Childhood & Developmental Disorders, 2(3), 1-10. (PDF).  

ABSTRACT: This study examines how 115 Spanish school psychologists rated the importance of certain criteria for identifying reading disabilities (RD), and compares their views with those of their US counterparts. The sample comprised school psychologists primarily between 30 and 39 years of age who had been in professional practice for less than ten years. The survey questions followed those used by Spanish practicing school psychologists ascribe the greatest importance to the discrepancy between listening and reading comprehension and to the IQ-achievement discrepancy criterion, while US school psychologists place greater emphasis on response to intervention (RTI) criteria and cognitive processing difficulties when operationalizing RD. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed. Differences between Spanish and US school psychologists are also observed in prioritizing which exclusion criteria were most important to consider when attempting to identify RD, even though the most popular choices were mental retardation and inadequate instruction in both samples.


Ávila, C., Cuenca, I., Félix, V., Ibáñez, M.I., Parcet, M.A. y Miranda, A. (2001). Evaluación neuropsicológica en el TDAH: La evaluación de la impulsividad. En A. Miranda (Comp.), Déficit de Atención y Dificultades de Aprendizaje. Aljibe. (PDF)

Soriano, M. y Félix, V. (2005). Explicaciones de las dificultades en el reconocimiento de palabras. En J. Escoriza (Ed.), Tratamiento Educativo de los Trastornos de la Lengua Escrita. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona (PDF)



  1. Félix, V., Ávila, C. y Miranda, A. (2001). Medida del control inhibitorio en niños con TDAH. I Congreso Internacional de Déficit de Atención y Dificultades de Aprendizaje. Valencia.
  2. Andrés, M., Castelló, M.L., Félix, V. y Castillo, S. (2007). Valoración del TDAH en una consulta de neuropediatría: Aspectos clínicos y neuropsicológicos. Comunicación presentada en el Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Valenciana de Neurología Pediátrica. (PDF)
  3. Félix, V. y Vilaplana, A. (2007). Estrategias de identificación del alumno inatento e impulsivo en el contexto escolar. Comunicación presentada en el Congreso de Orientación Educativa y profesional. Castellón de la Plana, 15 de diciembre de 2007, Universitat Jaume I. Revista: Quaderns Digitals (PDF)
  4. Félix, V., Soriano, M. y Godoy, C. (2009). Violencia Escolar en la Comunitat Valenciana: Datos preliminares. VIII Congreso Internacional Virtual de Educación (CIVE 2009).(PDF)
  5. Soriano, M., Soriano, E., Félix, V., Arocas, E. y García, J. (2009). Enseñanza recíproca: ¿incide la modalidad de agrupamiento de los alumnos sobre la autorregulación de la comprensión?. VIII Congreso Internacional Virtual de Educación (CIVE 2009). (PDF)
  6. Soriano, M., Cheebani, F., Descals, A., Soriano, E. y Félix, V. (2009). Eficacia de la enseñanza recíproca en el aula: Resultados preliminares de un proyecto de investigación. III Seminario Andaluz de Investigación sobre Lectoescritura. (PDF)
  7. Ávila, C., Barrós, A., Sanjuán, A., Ventura, N., Félix, V., Andrés, M., Catelló, M.L. y Parcet, M.A., (2009). VENTRAL STRIATUM HYPORESPONSIVENESS TO REWARD IN ADHD. International Meeting. Fundación Cerebro y Mente: "Staging Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Implications f. Mojacar, Almeria: 14-10-2009. Internacional. 2009 Fundación Cerebro y Mente. (PDF)
  8. Félix, V. y Soriano, M. (2010). Análisis Evolutivo de la Teoría de la Mente en niños de Educación Infantil. IX Congreso Internacional Virtual de Educación (CIVE 2010) (PDF)
  9. Tijeras, A., Soriano, M. y Félix, V. (2010). Perfiles cognitivos de dislexia evolutiva. IV Seminario Andaluz de Investigación sobre Lectoescritura (PDF)
  10. Félix, V. (2010). Estrategias de identificación del alumno inatento e impulsivo en el contexto escolar. Jornada Divulgativa sobre el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad. Cuenca, 26 de noviembre de 2010”. (PDF)
  11. Félix, V. (2011). Estrategias específicas para el manejo del TDAH en el aula. Jornada Divulgativa sobre el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad. Cuenca, 25 de noviembre de 2011”. (PDF)
  12. Soriano, M., Soriano, E., Tijeras, A. y Félix, V. (2011). Multicomponent Program for the Treatment of Reading Disabilities: Gains Scores for Spanish Struggling Readers. Paper presented at 6th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, London, 12th july 2011.  (PDF)
  13. Herdoiza, P., Félix, V. y Colomer, C. (2012). Percepciones sobre la calidad de vida en adultos con trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad. XIV Curso Internacional de Actualización en Neuropediatría y Neuropsicogía Infantil. Valencia, 8 y 9 de marzo. (PDF)
  14. Soriano, M., Félix, V., Soriano, E., Jarque, S., Nievas, F. y Descals, A. (2012). El programa velocilector: variables predictivas de su eficacia en estudiantes con dislexia evolutiva. I Congreso Nacional de Dificultades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo. Cartagena, 19 de octubre de 2012. ISBN: 978-84-616-0718-1. (PDF)
  15. Félix, V., Soriano y Casino, A. (2013). Promotion of School Engagement: Peer mediation and school violence. First International Congress Student’s Engagement in School: Perspectives of Psychology and Education. Portugal, 15, 16 y 17 de julio. (PDF)
  16. Félix, V. (2014). Prevención: Plan PREVI. Curso: Acoso Escolar y Discapacidad. Asociación ATTEM. Valencia, 21 de febrero de 2014”(PDF)
  17. Soriano, M., Félix, V. y Begeny, J.C. (2013). Executive function domains among children with ADHD: Do they differ between parents and teachers ratings? Póster presentado en el VI Congreso Internacional de Educación para la Salud Intercultural. Celebrado del 7-9 de noviembre de 2013. Almería (PDF)
  18. Soriano, M., Nievas, F., Sánchez, P., Félix, V. y González, J.A. (2013). Reading-related Cognitive Deficits in Spanish Developmental Dyslexia. Póster presentado en el VI Congreso Internacional de Educación para la Salud Intercultural. Celebrado del 7-9 de noviembre de 2013. Almería (PDF)
  19. Soriano, M., González, M.J., Félix, V. y Delgado, M. (2014). Beliefs and practice about learning disabilities in Spain: A survey of practicing School Psychologist. Póster presentado en la International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities (IAR), celebrado en Vilna (Lituania) del 2-4 de julio de 2014. (PDF) 
  20. Soriano, M., González, M.J., Nievas, F., Soriano, E. y Félix, V. (2014). Reading motivation among disabled and normal readers: Does instrument make the difference? Póster presentado en el 36th Annual Conference of International School Psychology Association (ISPA), celebrado en Kaunas (Lituania), del 15 al 18 de julio de 2014. (PDF)



2010: Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology (PDF)

2011: Aula Abierta (PDF)

2012: Pan American Journal of Public Health (PDF)

2012: Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México (PDF)

2013: Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology (PDF)

2014: Revista Educar (PDF)



Actualizada: Julio, 2014