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Accetturo, A., Dalmazzo, A, et al: North-South Imbalances: A Spatial General Equilibrium Approach [Abstract] [Full paper]


Alberio, Marco: Italian cities as local contexts for social disadvantage, inequality and poverty [Abstract] [Full paper]


Banyuls, Cano, Aguado: MW [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Barbot, C. González, P.; Delfim, L.: Wages and jobs in the Portuguese air transport industry: how relevant are gender diversities? [Abstract] [Full paper]


Belegri-Roboli, A.; Markaki, M.; Michaelides, P.G.:The Effects of Environmental Investments on Employment in the Greek Economy (2010-2020): An Input-Output Approach[Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Beraud, Mathieu; Eydoux, Anne: Social investment and the problem of social sustainability: The case of French activation policies [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Bodí, J.: New scenes, old references. Chances, resistances, inclusions and exclusions with regard to the work and the past memory, 26 years after the Industrial Restructuring in Puerto de Sagunto[Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Bosch, Gerhard: Dismissing hours not workers: work-sharing in the economic crisis [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Bosch, Gerard; Janssen, Andreas: From the breadwinner model to ‚bricolage‘: Germany in search of a new life course model [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Cano, F.; Climent, V.:Mismatch Education in the Retail Sector[Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Cebrian, I.; Moreno, G.; Toharia, L.:Una evaluación microeconómica de los efectos de la política de bonificación y fomento del empleo indefinido[Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Christine Erhel: Labour market policy in Europe: Activation and flexicurity facing the economic crisis [Abstract] [Full paper]


Collins, D.; Bray, M.; Burgess, J.:Sustainability and Green Jobs in the Local Brown Economy: Challenges and Contradictions [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Courtioux, Pierre: Segmentation and Return to Higher Education: a microsimulation of the French Case [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Danijel Nestić: A Minimum Wage System under Reconstruction: the Crisis Response of Social Partners' Strategies in Croatia [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Eversberg, Dennis: Realities of Activation [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Eydoux, Anne; Ramaux, Christophe: Learning from the crisis: The limits of a narrow definition of the welfare state for analysing social and economic sustainability [Abstract] [Full paper]


Figueiredo, H.; Teixeira, P; Rubery, J. : Is Mass Higher Education Working? A Reflection on the Economic and Political Sustainability of Higher Education Expansion in Portugal [Abstract] [Full paper]


Grimshaw, D.; Rubery, J.; Shepherd, C.: The minimum wage, collective bargaining and trade union strategy: case-study results from the UK [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Haipeter, Thomas: New Local Actors of Collective Bargaining in Germany. Derogations of Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Codetermination of Works Councils in the Chemical and the Metalworking Industry [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Janssen, Andreas:Age-employment-cultures: A missing construct to understand the age-work relationship in different member states of the European Union?[Abstract] [Full paper]


Jonker-Hoffrén, Paul: Cornerstones in the Finnish paper industry-the growing importance of shop stewards between 1980 and 2005 [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Karamessini, Maria: Economic crisis and the demise of the Greek model: A socially regressive adjustment in a neo-liberal Europe [Abstract] [Full paper]


KOISTINEN, PERTTI: Employment Protection in the Context of Collective Displacement-A European view [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Kopycka, Katarzyna: Labor Unions and Generational Relations on the Teacher Labor Markets in Germany and Poland. A Comparison [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Kornelakis, A.:Collective bargaining tensions in Greek and Italian banking: the role of employer associability and labour-state coalitions[Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Kuemmerling, Angelika:Who is supposed to care for the elderly? Sustaining elder care in Germany-the bread winner model revisited?[Abstract] [Full paper]


Lope, A., Carrasquer, P.; Miguélez, F., Castelló, l.; Rodriguez, J.: The 'Employment model': an explanatory tool for the characteristics of the employment [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Lorente, R.; Ramírez, J.V: What are thinking retail actors: workers, unions and firms at retail sector in Spain [Abstract] [Full paper]


Martín, P.; Artiaga, A.; Tovar, F.J.: The activation of employment services in Spain: Experiences of diffuse implementation in the third sector [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Méhaut, Philippe: Vocational education and social cohesion [Abstract] [Full paper]


Neumann, L: The role of minimum wage in Hungary’s sectors utilizing undeclared work [Abstract] [Full paper]


Petit, Héloïse: Is there coherence between bargaining structure and the pay system at the establishment level? An analysis on the French data [Abstract] [Full paper]


Recio, Carolina:The Employment in Spanish Care Sector[Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Ristikari, Tiina: The response of Finnish trade unions to immigration and immigrants since the 1980s in Finland [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Satu Ojala: Never-ending work days. Supplemental work at home among employees [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Schilling, G.; Vanselow, A.: What can trade unions and works councils do to make jobs better?- An approach from German manufacturing[Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Sihto, Matti: Dialectics between short term measures and sustainable development and between social and economic factors in the strategy of the Active Labour Market Policy [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Simonazzi, Annamaria: Are Italian wages set in Berlin? [Abstract] [Full paper]


Smith, M; Villa, P.; Bettio, F.: Gender Mainstreaming Recession and recovery [Abstract] [Full paper]


Soininen, Tiina: Labour use in the lifespan of firms [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Tavora, Isabel:The Southern European social model and the high rates of female employment in Portugal [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Tolstokorova, Alissa V.: Biscuits in the Bread Basket of Europe: Gender implications of remittances for poverty alleviation and social sustainability in Ukraine [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle: Work-Life Balance: Is the Social Economy Sector More Supportive oor Does Democratic Management Make a Difference [Abstract]  [Full paper] [PDF]


Villa, Paola: The role of the European Employment Strategy (EES) in the promotion of gender equality in the labour market. A critical appraisal [Abstract] [Full paper]


Voss-Dahm, Dorothea: Sustainability on internal labour markets-Displacements of skilled workers in times of mass higher education? [Abstract] [Full paper] [PDF]


Weinkopf, C: Low Pay and the Bumpy Road to Minimum Wages in Germany [Abstract] [Full paper]


Zubiri-Rey, Jon Bernat; López-Pérez, Irune: Precarious Work and Generational Segmentation in Rhône-Alpes [Abstract] [Full paper][PDF]