Logo UVCatalog of Service Charters of the University of Valencia

Secretary’s office of the Facultat de Ciències Socials

Publication date: 23-01-2023



The secretary’s office of the Facultat de Ciències Socials of the Universitat de València has the mission of providing management support to the organisation and development of teaching, research and dissemination activities of the centre, and specially contributing on training undergraduate and postgraduate students with the sufficient preparation and practice to carry out their professional activity.


This Service Charter was approved by the Board of the Center, with the approval of Isabel Vázquez Navarro, Vice-Principal for Studies and Language Policy, on 05-11-2021.

The validity period of this Charter will be 4 years from the date of approval, 01-01-2022.



Service 1:
Dealing with information queries and guidance for students (future, current and graduate) and other users.
Commitment 1: To respond appropriately to all the information queries made by users.
Indicator 1: Satisfaction with the information and personal contact received from the Office.


Service 2: Processing entrance applications through the recognition of partial official studies of students who wish to join the centre and informing about the resolutions.
Commitment 2: To process applications for admissions to the centre through the entrance procedure for partial official studies before 30 September (unless any modification of the academic management processes timetable).
Indicator 2: Resolution rate of admission procedures for partial official studies within the deadline.


Service 3: Providing technical and administrative assistance to students during the enrolment process, both in undergraduate and master’s studies.
Commitment 3: To provide appropriate technical and administrative assistance for enrolment to all students who request it.
Indicator 3: Satisfaction with the help provided during the enrolment process.


Service 4: Informing students about how to meet the requirements to totally or partially cancel enrolment due to force majeure, sending the management report to the pertinent committee and starting any procedures derived from it.
Commitment 4: To make available the procedure for cancellation of enrolment due to force majeure to the pertinent committee and the Dean’s report within 15 working days of the presentation of the application along with all the supporting documentation.
Indicator 4: Rate of reports issued in time in the matter of cancellation of enrolment due to force majeure.
Indicator 5: Satisfaction with inquiries or procedures regarding the cancellation of registration due to force majeure within the deadline.


Service 5: Processing applications for recognition and transfer of credits, sending them to the corresponding committee, informing the student about their decision and, if necessary, issuing the receipt of the accepted recognition.
Commitment 5: To notify all the decisions about recognition and transfer of credits within 15 days of the issuing of the corresponding committee’s report, as long as the student provides the required documentation.
Indicator 6: Rate of recognitions of credits processed within the due date.
Indicator 7: Satisfaction with inquiries or arrangements for recognition and credit transfers.


Service 6: Processing the academic records transfer requested by students accepted in other universities.
Commitment 6: To process the transfer of records requested by students to the destination centre within 30 working days of the submission. Documents must have been already processed and fees paid in advance.
Indicator 8: Rate of transfer of academic records to other universities within the due date.


Service 7: Managing students’ receipts, including refunds and additional payments.
Commitment 7: To inform within 5 working days about any incidents related to payments when the centre is responsible for them. In the case of fee refunds, the due date will be 5 working days from the confirmation of the payment.
Indicator 9: Satisfaction with inquiries and management of university fees.


Service 8: Coordinating and managing the files of students who participate in mobility programmes and reporting the resolutions.
Commitment 8: To add the qualifications into the mobility students’ transcript within 5 working days of receiving all the qualifications from the host university.
Indicator 10: Satisfaction with inquiries and management of mobility programmes.


Service 9: Informing students about the procedures and deadlines related to work placements and making the corresponding arrangements.
Commitment 9: To inform students about the assignment of work placements at least 10 days before starting.
Indicator 11: Satisfaction with the information received on procedures or enquiries regarding work placements.


Service 10: Managing the procedures regarding degree’s and master’s final projects.
Commitment 10: To guarantee students who meet the requirements the appropriate processing to defend their final projects within the deadline.
Indicator 12: Satisfaction with the information received on procedures or consultations about final projects .


Service 11: Issuing academic certificates as well as other certificates at the request of students.
Commitment 11: To issue academic certificates which cannot be obtained through the online office within 10 working days, except during the enrolment period.
Indicator 13: Certificate issuance rate within the deadline.
Indicator 14: Satisfaction with the time of delivering certificates.


Service 12: Processing student’s applications to bring forward examination sittings and informing about the resolutions.
Commitment 12: To appropriately resolve all student applications to bring forward examination sittings and informing them about the resolutions within 10 working days from the submission deadline.
Indicator 15: Notification rate of resolutions in the matter of bringing forward examinations sittings within the due date.
Indicator 16: Satisfaction with queries or procedures on bringing forward examinations sittings.


Service 13: Processing the student’s applications to appeal exam grades and informing them about the resolutions.
Commitment 13: To communicate the resolutions of exam grades appealing within a maximum of 5 working days from the decision of the Grade Revision Committee.
Indicator 17: Satisfaction with the information received on procedures or enquiries regarding appealing exam grades.


Service 14: Processing the student’s applications about curricular evaluation for compensation, sending the dean’s report regarding the fulfilment of the requirements and processing the resolution.
Commitment 14: To add the qualifications to the student’s record within 5 working days of receiving the rector’s favourable decision.
Indicator 18: Rate of incorporation of the qualifications of curricular evaluations by compensation in the academic records within the due date.


Service 15: Processing degree certificates (ordinary or duplicate) and the European Diploma Supplement (EDS) and delivering them to the students.
Commitment 15: To validate applications for issuing certificates within 15 working days of paying the fees, except during the enrolment period, when the due date will be 30 working days.
Indicator 19: Rate of certificates issuing within the due date.


Service 16: Managing documentation and information of interest related to thesis submissions and defence.
Commitment 16: To guarantee doctoral students who meet the requirements the appropriate processing to defend their thesis on the scheduled date.
Indicator 20: Satisfaction with management and information about doctoral procedures.


Service 17: Publishing schedules, classrooms and exam dates after the Academic Year Offer’s approval.
Commitment 17: To publish the schedules, classrooms and exam dates for each academic year before the beginning of the enrolment period.
Indicator 21: Compliance with the publication of schedules, classrooms and exam dates before the beginning of the enrolment period.


Service 18: Processing the student’s applications related to the accomplishment of the complementary training requirements demanded by the Ministry to get the homologation of higher education qualifications.
Commitment 18: To inform users who have applied for the recognition of foreign qualifications about the procedures to be followed in order to meet the training requirements set by the Ministry within 15 days.
Indicator 22: Information rate regarding the homologation of foreign qualifications within the due time.


Indicator Formula Goal Units
1 Satisfaction with the information and personal contact received from the Office. Mean of items 4 and 5 weighted by the number of valid responses. Item rated on a Likert scale 5 (1: Strongly disagree, 5: Strongly agree) Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
2 Resolution rate of admission procedures for partial official studies within the deadline. (Number of resolutions processed within the deadline (before September 30) / Total number of resolutions processed) x 100 100% %
3 Satisfaction with the help provided during the enrolment process. Mean of item 17 weighted by the number of valid responses. Item rated on a Likert scale 5 (1: Strongly disagree, 5: Strongly agree) Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
4 Rate of reports issued in time in the matter of cancellation of enrolment due to force majeure. (Number of reports issued on cancellation of enrolment due to force majeure within the deadline (15 working days) / Total reports processed) x 100 100% %
5 Satisfaction with inquiries or procedures regarding the cancellation of registration due to force majeure within the deadline. Mean of item 18 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
6 Rate of recognitions of credits processed within the due date. (Number of notifications of recognition and transfer of credits within the deadline / Total number of recognitions processed) x 100. 100% %
7 Satisfaction with inquiries or arrangements for recognition and credit transfers. Mean of item 26 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
8 Rate of transfer of academic records to other universities within the due date. (Number of files transferred within the deadline / Total number of transfers requested) x 100. 100% %
9 Satisfaction with inquiries and management of university fees. Mean of item 19 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
10 Satisfaction with inquiries and management of mobility programmes. Mean of item 30 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
11 Satisfaction with the information received on procedures or enquiries regarding work placements. Mean of item 27 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
12 Satisfaction with the information received on procedures or consultations about final projects . Mean of item 28 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
13 Certificate issuance rate within the deadline. (Number of certificates issued within the deadline (7 working days) / Total number of certificates issued) x 100 100% %
14 Satisfaction with the time of delivering certificates. Mean of item 23 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
15 Notification rate of resolutions in the matter of bringing forward examinations sittings within the due date. (Number of notifications in the matter of bringing forward examinations sittings within the due date (10 working days) / Total number of notifications made in the matter of bringing forward examinations sittings) x 100 100% %
16 Satisfaction with queries or procedures on bringing forward examinations sittings. Mean of item 32 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
17 Satisfaction with the information received on procedures or enquiries regarding appealing exam grades. Mean of item 33 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
18 Rate of incorporation of the qualifications of curricular evaluations by compensation in the academic records within the due date. (Number of files incorporating qualifications of curricular evaluations by compensation in the academic records within the due date (5 working days) / Total number of files processed) x 100. 100% %
19 Rate of certificates issuing within the due date. (Number of academic degrees sent within the due date / Total number of academic degrees sent) x 100 100% %
20 Satisfaction with management and information about doctoral procedures. Mean of item 37 weighted by the number of valid responses Positive evolution scale from 1 to 5
21 Compliance with the publication of schedules, classrooms and exam dates before the beginning of the enrolment period. Yes / No (Yes = 1, No = 0) Yes (yes = 1) Yes = 1, No = 0
22 Information rate regarding the homologation of foreign qualifications within the due time. (Number of applications processed within the deadline / Total number of applications submitted) x 100 100% %




Users of the services provided by the Secretary’s Office of the Facultat de Ciències Socials have the rights recognised in the article 13 of the Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, and in particular:

  • To have up-to-date information with appropriate contents about the services provided by the Secretary’s Office.
  • To be effectively informed about the procedures that may affect them.
  • To be treated with due respect and consideration by all the Secretary’s Office staff.
  • To know the identity of the staff processing the procedures in which they take part.
  • To submit any suggestions, complaints and congratulations they consider appropriate regarding the services provided by the Secretary’s Office and in which they are an interested party.
  • To have the confidentiality of their personal data guaranteed, in accordance with the applicable law.
  • To have the availability of facilities and services necessary for students with physical or sensory disabilities to be able to study properly and obtain adequate academic training.
  • To be assisted in the UV official language used by the student.
  • To know about the syllabuses of the subjects and the professors in charge of them.
  • To be treated with equality and not to be discriminated on the grounds of sex, ideology, birth, language, sexual orientation, disability or any other circumstance.
  • To the protection by the national health system, under the terms and conditions established by the legal provisions that regulate it.
  • To their honour, personal privacy and image.
  • To any other right deriving from current legislation.


  • To respect and make good use of the premises, equipment and facilities in order to contribute to maintaining a suitable environment.
  • To behave properly with the Secretary’s Office staff.
  • To access the services provided by the Secretary’s Office within the established opening hours.
  • To identify themselves by means of their ID card or a document that officially accredits their status as a student at the centre when requested to do so by the Secretary’s Office staff.
  • To know and follow the provisions that regulate the different services offered by the Secretary’s Office.
  • To follow the Statutes of the University of Valencia, the regulations that develop them and the agreements and resolutions of the governing bodies.
  • To read the notifications sent by the Secretary’s Office to the personal account of the UV email address (, ( To deliver the necessary documentation for the procedure within the established deadlines.
  • To deliver the requested documentation for the procedures within the established deadlines.
  • To take care of their belongings. The Secretary’s Office is not responsible for loss or theft.
  • Any other duties arising from current regulations.


    • Law 39/2015, 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
    • Organic Law 15/1999, 13 December, for personal data protection.
    • Royal Decree 1720/2007, 21 December, approving the regulation for the implementation of the Organic Law 15/1999, 13 December, for personal data protection.
    • Organic Law 6/2001 21 December, of universities and Organic Law 4/2007, 12 April, concerning the modification of the Law 6/2001.
    • Constitution of the Universitat de València, approved by the Decree 128/2004, 30 July, of the Council of the Valencian Government and modified by Decree 45/2013, 28 March.
    • Law 19/2013, 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.
    • Law 2/2015, 2 April, of the Valencian Government, on transparency, good governance and citizen participation of the Valencian Community.
    • Organic Law 3/2007, 22 March, on the effective equality of women and men.
    • Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, 29 November, concerning the approval of the consolidated text of the general Law on the rights of people with disabilities and their social inclusion.
    • Law 31/1995, 8 November, on the prevention of occupational risks.








    Address: AvingudaTarongers, 4b. 46021 València
    Telephone: 96 382 85 00
    Fax: 96 382 85 01

    Opening hours

    The Secretary’s Office of the Facultat de Ciències Socials is open during office hours (9am - 2pm, Monday to Friday, and 4pm - 6pm, Monday and Wednesday).

    Means of public transport

    Metro: Lines 4 and 6
    Bus: Lines 18, 29, 30, 31, 40, 41, 71



    To help improve the services offered, the users may do the following:

    • Receive special attention to their information needs, concerns, questions, etc.with regard to the services offered by the unit.
    • Give their opinion on the quality of the services offered by the unit.
    • Make suggestions for improvement.
    • Make a formal complaint when services provided prove unsatisfactory.

    Complaints and suggestions received in the unit will be answered within one month.

    Communication channels

    Telephone: 96 382 85 00
    Mailing address: AvingudaTarongers, 4b. 46021 València
    Fax: 96 382 85 01
    Personal attention: The Secretary’s Office of the Facultat de Ciències Socials is open during office hours (9am - 2pm, Monday to Friday, and 4pm - 6pm, Monday and Wednesday).
    Complaints, suggestions and compliments mailbox:
    Social networks:


    Those users who feel that the commitments outlined in this Service Charter are not being met should direct their complaints and comments through the UV message board for suggestions, complaints, and other comments ( or the Registry of the Universitat de València.

    In cases of non-compliance, the unit will inform the complainant in writing of the reasons for the breach and of the measures put in place to correct the detected error. Failure to comply with the commitments outlined in these guidelines shall not result in any fiscal liability on the part of the administration.