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The Universitat de València launches the 3rd edition of the 2017 Junior International Entrepreneurs Programme (UJIE) with the aim of financing stays abroad

  • July 11th, 2017
The Universitat de València launches the 3rd edition of the 2017 Junior International Entrepreneurs Programme (UJIE) with the aim of financing stays abroad

The Universitat de València launches for the 3rd year in a row the call for the 2017 Junior International Entrepreneurs Programme (UJIE). Its objective is to contribute to the development of the entrepreneur talent of excellent students with business initiatives in worldwide sectors in a global environment, as well as to train in business creation in the international field.

For achieving the objective of this call, in 2017 UJIE programme offers three mobility grants of 2,000€. The purpose is to carry out two months of academic internships in companies located in foreign countries, in order for students to develop their business idea abroad. Additionally, on-line training on international entrepreneurship will be provided. This programme is compatible with Erasmus Placement grants.

This programme is framed within EMPREN + programme of the Office of the Vice-principal for Research and Science Policy, and it is developed concurrently in 5 Valencian public universities within the framework of the “Innovative Entrepreneur’s Campus” programme, which is funded by the Valencian Department for Sustainable Economics, Productive Sectors, Trade and Work. Moreover, it is covered by the principles of engagement established in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, ECHE 2014-2020.

The official bases of the programme can be checked at Tauler Oficial de la UV.