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VISITING PROFESSOR Milagrosa Aldana Gómez

  • July 11th, 2017
Image de la noticia

Professor Milagrosa Aldana Gómez will be visiting us from 11 to 25 July. Her office is FF-4423 of the Faculty of Physics, Bloc D, at Burjassot Campus. She is a Full University Professor at Simón Bolivar University (Caracas, Venezuela). She has a career of more than 20 years in research and teaching in the area of Earth Sciences, especially focused on the analysis of signs using statistical and non-lineal techniques. She has directed around 250 undergraduate final projects and 30 from master’s degrees in the indicated fields, developing prototypical codes in some of the approached subjects, in Matlab and Fortran. She has 110 publications in refereed journals with international range (indexed at SCI, Latindex, Scoups, etc.) and in congress reports in extension.