Linear Ordering

We refer the reader to the website of our OPTSICOM project where references, instances and best-known solutions for this problem are available. Yo can download here the set of benchmark instances and results for the Linear Ordering Problem that we have compiled. Please, cite as: Martí, R., A. Duarte, and G. Reinelt. LOLIB - Linear Ordering Problem Library. (2010). Download LOLIB


Metaheuristics for the Linear Ordering Problem with Cumulative Costs
Abraham Duarte, Rafael Martí, Ada Álvarez and Francisco Ángel-Bello European Journal of Operational Research 216, 270-277 (2012)

A Benchmark Library and a Comparison of Heuristic Methods for the Linear Ordering Problem
Rafael Martí, Gerhard Reinelt and Abraham Duarte, Computational Optimization and Applications 51 (3), 1297-1317 (2012)

Tabu Search for the Linear Ordering Problem with Cumulative Costs
Abraham Duarte, Manuel Laguna and Rafael Martí, Computational Optimization and Applications 48, 697-715 (2011)

Variable Neighborhood Search for the Linear Ordering Problem
Carlos García, Dionisio Pérez, Vicente Campos and Rafael Martí, Computers and Operations Research 33, 3549-3565 (2006)

An Experimental Evaluation of a Scatter Search for the Linear Ordering Problem
Vicente Campos, Fred Glover, Manuel Laguna and Rafael Martí, Journal of Global Optimization 21, 397-414 (2001)

Intensification and Diversification with Elite Tabu Search Solutions for the Linear Ordering Problem
Manuel Laguna, Rafael Martí and Vicente Campos, Computers and Operations Research 26, 1217-1230 (1999)