by Barry Pennock-Speck - ict4u2learn

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Australian English



Australian English Pronunciation just like Australian English in general is said to be almost classless. The accent of the acrolect (more prestigious variety) is supposed to be nearer to RP but is spoken by a minority in more formal contexts. The ocker variety is the basilect (least prestigious) of Australian English. The accent of the mesolect (the variety between the acrolect and the basilect) is the most commonly heard.

Australian English has a lot of its own vocabulary but also lots of words from British and American English. A typical Australian abbreviation avo = afternoon can be found in example 7.

The young woman in the recording has an instantly recognizable Australian accent but does not have some of the characteristic features of Australian English. She herself admits that she does not have a very strong accent.


Map of Australia



Sydney, Australia

(Photos by "The Emirr" at