Universidad de ValènciaCàtedra SEOFER de Seguretat Vial i Mobilitat Intel·ligent Logo del portal

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    Performance evaluation of an active signaling based time-slot scheduling scheme for connected vehicles. Annals of Telecommunications

    Boukhalfa, F., Hadded, M., Muhlethaler, P., & Shagdar, O.

    (2021). Article

    Annals of Telecommunications. Num.76, pp. 363–374

    Latency is a very important metric to be taken into account in the design of the Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) technology. Today, connected vehicles have a dedicated technology named vehicle-to-everything (V2X). Many current research efforts and standardization activities aim to make the next generation of V2X technology able to offer new usages and services, with the main focus being on supporting road safety applications: hazard, obstacle and collision avoidance, etc. To satisfy the real-time constraints of safety applications, Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a widely-used technique to control and share the channel. TDMA-based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols have...

    Latency is a very important metric to be taken into account in the design of the Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) technology. Today, connected vehicles have a dedicated technology named vehicle-to-everything (V2X). Many current research efforts and standardization activities aim to make the next generation of V2X technology able to offer new usages and services, with the main focus being on supporting road safety applications: hazard, obstacle and collision avoidance, etc. To satisfy the real-time constraints of safety applications, Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a widely-used technique to control and share the channel. TDMA-based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols have resolved many issues in VANETs and shown good performances in the literature by ensuring a bounded access delay to send an emergency message. However, latency can be further improved by eradicating some imperfections in the functionality of these protocols, such as the access collision problem which can occur when two or more vehicles in the same two-hop neighborhood set try to access the same slot at the same time. That is why we recently proposed an Active Signaling-based TDMA MAC protocol, called AS-DTMAC, which operates above the existing DTMAC protocol. In this paper, we analytically study the performance of AS-DMTAC when we have a homogeneous arrival on each time slot with an error in the signaling process.

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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-020-00818-8
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    Enseñanzas para la gestión de la accidentalidad en emplazamientos peligrosos en las carreteras

    Francisco Alonso, Cristina Esteban, Enrique Casquero, Jose Luis Velarte, Jorge Suarez, Juan Carlos Pastor

    (2020). Llibre

    Cuadernos Tecnológicos de la PTC. Num.3 (2019)

    El presente documento se ha centrado en manifestar la necesidad fundamental, común a todos los países, de actuar sobre los emplazamientos peligrosos (denominados por la literatura científica con un sinfín de términos), y precisamente en este sentido, desarrollar políticas encaminadas a la adecuada implantación de sistemas de gestión de la seguridad vial (tanto en fase de proyecto como en fase de explotación, como se deja constancia en documentos marco tan importantes como la Directiva Europea 2019/1936). El objetivo es claro: se debe trabajar para alcanzar el concepto de Sistema Seguro, en el cual los ingenieros viales se cercioren de que la red de carreteras se ha diseñado y mantenido...

    El presente documento se ha centrado en manifestar la necesidad fundamental, común a todos los países, de actuar sobre los emplazamientos peligrosos (denominados por la literatura científica con un sinfín de términos), y precisamente en este sentido, desarrollar políticas encaminadas a la adecuada implantación de sistemas de gestión de la seguridad vial (tanto en fase de proyecto como en fase de explotación, como se deja constancia en documentos marco tan importantes como la Directiva Europea 2019/1936). El objetivo es claro: se debe trabajar para alcanzar el concepto de Sistema Seguro, en el cual los ingenieros viales se cercioren de que la red de carreteras se ha diseñado y mantenido desde la perspectiva de la seguridad. Se espera que el presente documento no solamente sea de utilidad por su carácter divulgativo, sino también por su carácter práctico, ya que puede servir de referencia a todos los actores que decidan enfrentarse a la problemática de la accidentalidad desde el punto de vista de la gestión de emplazamientos peligrosos, gracias a la adopción de estrategias de éxito y a la posibilidad de “esquivar” los errores aprendidos de la experiencia.

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    ISBN:  978-84-09-21202-6
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    Guía de buenas prácticas para la señalización horizontal de carreteras locales

    ed. Asociación Española de la Carretera (AEC); Foro de Gestores de Carreteras, de Diputaciones provinciales, Cabildos y Consells.

    (2020). Llibre

    Guía de buenas prácticas para la señalización horizontal de carreteras locales.

    Document de caràcter tècnic, desenvolupat per part d'experts en senyalització horitzontal, juntament amb l'Associació Espanyola de la Carretera, en forma de guia estructurada en dues parts: 1) senyalització horitzontal en carreteres locals, i 2) millora de la circulació i la seguretat en carreteres locals per mitjà de senyalització horitzontal (situacions i solucions).

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    Multi-Objective Decision Support System for Intelligent Road Signaling

    Domínguez, J. M. L., Sanguino, T. D. J. M., Véliz, D. M., & de Viana González, I. J. F.

    (2020). Article

    15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). Num.pp.1-6

    Currently, Doppler radars are widely used to detect and identify targets in different knowledge fields such as aerospace, medical or road safety. In this paper, a novel decision support system that relies on this kind of radars is presented. The aim of this system is to propose a time-frequency algorithm based on micro-Doppler signatures to detect and identify complex moving targets on public roads. Before obtaining this signature, each radar signal is improved using pre-processing techniques. Then, the short-time Fourier transform is applied to analyse and represent each signal received from the radar. Finally, different scenarios including pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists were used to...

    Currently, Doppler radars are widely used to detect and identify targets in different knowledge fields such as aerospace, medical or road safety. In this paper, a novel decision support system that relies on this kind of radars is presented. The aim of this system is to propose a time-frequency algorithm based on micro-Doppler signatures to detect and identify complex moving targets on public roads. Before obtaining this signature, each radar signal is improved using pre-processing techniques. Then, the short-time Fourier transform is applied to analyse and represent each signal received from the radar. Finally, different scenarios including pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists were used to demonstrate the performance of our system in target detection. The results have validated that pedestrians can be correctly identified only relying on their micro-Doppler signatures. As an example, this paper presents several use cases in which pedestrian signatures are characterized by vertical lines unlike vehicles and cyclists where signatures have horizontal lines characterized by larger vertical strips.

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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.23919/CISTI49556.2020.9141083
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    Resolución Regulatoria Núm. 005-2020 [que regula la señalización en el tránsito terreste]

    República Dominicana. Instituto Nacional de Tránsito y Transporte Terrestre.

    (2020). Informes

    Resolución regulatoria. Num.005-2020

    La "Cátedra SEOFER de Seguridad Vial y Mobilidad Inteligente" ha dado apoyo en la actualización de los diseños de las señales del Manual de 1983 a unos diseños más modernos y visuales para República Dominicana, y que ha derivado en esta Resolución Regulatoria Núm. 005-2020, que regula la Señalización en el Tránsito Terrestre y que tiene por objeto actualizar y mejorar tanto los criterios generales como los criterios específicos de diseño y colocación de los dos primeros grupos de señales establecidos en el artículo 7 del Reglamento de Señalización en el Tránsito Terrestre y que son Señalización vertical y Señalización horizontal (marcas viales).

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    Norma de Carreteras 8.2-IC Marcas Viales

    España. Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana.

    (2020). Llibre

    Norma de Carreteras 8.2-IC Marcas Viales.

    Documento normativo de carácter técnico, actualmente en fase de borrador (publicado en 2020), que actualiza la norma vigente que regula las marcas viales aprobada por Orden Ministerial el 16 de julio de 1987. La actualización de la actual norma vigente de marcas viales, con el objetivo principal de aumentar la seguridad y comodidad de todos los usuarios de la vía, especialmente aquellos más vulnerables, se ha confeccionado teniendo en cuenta una serie de factores: la evolución tanto de la red viaria como del parque automovilístico y de los hábitos de los conductores; la creciente presencia e importancia otorgada a la protección de los usuarios más vulnerables, entre los que destacan los...

    Documento normativo de carácter técnico, actualmente en fase de borrador (publicado en 2020), que actualiza la norma vigente que regula las marcas viales aprobada por Orden Ministerial el 16 de julio de 1987. La actualización de la actual norma vigente de marcas viales, con el objetivo principal de aumentar la seguridad y comodidad de todos los usuarios de la vía, especialmente aquellos más vulnerables, se ha confeccionado teniendo en cuenta una serie de factores: la evolución tanto de la red viaria como del parque automovilístico y de los hábitos de los conductores; la creciente presencia e importancia otorgada a la protección de los usuarios más vulnerables, entre los que destacan los peatones y ciclistas; y la experiencia acumulada a lo largo de las últimas décadas por distintas administraciones y países, permitiendo la disposición de nuevos diseños, geometrías y tipos de marcas.

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    (actualización 2020, borrador)

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    The significance and effect of the traffic system signaling to the environment, present and future traffic

    Lengyel, H., & Szalay, Z.

    (2018). Article

    International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering.

    The development of automotive technologies brings new features such as the emergence of autonomous vehicles and an advanced infrastructure, but is a big challenge for the professionals. In this paper we present the currently used signs on the different road sections. We describe the significance of signaling systems for the present and future traffic, especially from the point of view road safety and environment. We analyzed the used traffic signs recognition systems how them can identify the signals in the traffic. Particular emphasis is placed on the benefits, the importance and the problems that arise in recognizing systems. We will propose their development opportunities, and these will...

    The development of automotive technologies brings new features such as the emergence of autonomous vehicles and an advanced infrastructure, but is a big challenge for the professionals. In this paper we present the currently used signs on the different road sections. We describe the significance of signaling systems for the present and future traffic, especially from the point of view road safety and environment. We analyzed the used traffic signs recognition systems how them can identify the signals in the traffic. Particular emphasis is placed on the benefits, the importance and the problems that arise in recognizing systems. We will propose their development opportunities, and these will affect the pre-emergence period of fully autonomous vehicles when the vehicles are on lower autonomy level but at the same time the higher autonomy level vehicles are appear in the traffic. It has difficulties with the recognition systems and the emergence of autonomous vehicles. There may be problems with systems in different signaling systems. There are some other problems what need to find solution for example is the legal rules to the autonomous vehicles and different country has different looking traffic signs what is hard to recognize to the systems.

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    En: Burnete N., Varga B. (eds) Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering (AMMA 2018). pp. 847-856

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    The impact of traffic sign deficit on road traffic accidents in Nigeria

    Ezeibe, C., Ilo, C., Oguonu, C., Ali, A., Abada, I., Ezeibe, E. & Agbo, H. [et al]

    (2018). Article

    International journal of injury control and safety promotion.

    This study assesses the impact of traffic sign deficit on road traffic accidents in Nigeria. The participants were 720 commercial vehicle drivers. While simple random sampling was used to select 6 out of 137 federal highways, stratified random sampling was used to select six categories of commercial vehicle drivers. The study used qual-dominant mixed methods approach comprising key informant interviews; group interviews; field observation; policy appraisal and secondary literature on traffic signs. Result shows that the failure of government to provide and maintain traffic signs in order to guide road users through the numerous accident black spots on the highways is the major cause of road...

    This study assesses the impact of traffic sign deficit on road traffic accidents in Nigeria. The participants were 720 commercial vehicle drivers. While simple random sampling was used to select 6 out of 137 federal highways, stratified random sampling was used to select six categories of commercial vehicle drivers. The study used qual-dominant mixed methods approach comprising key informant interviews; group interviews; field observation; policy appraisal and secondary literature on traffic signs. Result shows that the failure of government to provide and maintain traffic signs in order to guide road users through the numerous accident black spots on the highways is the major cause of road accidents in Nigeria. The study argues that provision and maintenance of traffic signs present opportunity to promoting safety on the highways and achieving the sustainable development goals.

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    Road safety awareness and comprehension of road signs from international tourist’s perspectives: a case study of Thailand

    Choocharukul, K., & Sriroongvikrai, K.

    (2017). Article

    Transportation research procedia. Num.25, pp. 4518-4528.

    Under foreign environment, tourists could drive in unfamiliar surroundings, misunderstand and misinterpret traffic signs, or even violate local traffic laws. This study attempts to explore tourist’s perceptions and awareness regarding road safety and investigate underlying factors that could affect tourist’s comprehension of local road signs. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 1,091 international tourists visiting Thailand. Results indicate that the level of perceptions and awareness regarding road safety were found to be different among tourists with different origins. In addition, respondents could only comprehend road signs to some extent, e.g. text traffic signs such as stop sign...

    Under foreign environment, tourists could drive in unfamiliar surroundings, misunderstand and misinterpret traffic signs, or even violate local traffic laws. This study attempts to explore tourist’s perceptions and awareness regarding road safety and investigate underlying factors that could affect tourist’s comprehension of local road signs. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 1,091 international tourists visiting Thailand. Results indicate that the level of perceptions and awareness regarding road safety were found to be different among tourists with different origins. In addition, respondents could only comprehend road signs to some extent, e.g. text traffic signs such as stop sign and yield sign seemed to be difficult to understand from tourist’s perspectives. Statistical modeling results reveal a set of significant factors affecting the level of traffic sign comprehension. Significant socio-economic variables consist of respondent’s age, driver’s license ownership, respondent’s driving experience in foreign countries, and respondent’s nationality. On the other hand, the significant travel characteristic variables are trip duration, trip objective, mode of transportation, and frequency of visit. Findings would help highway and traffic authorities in better understanding tourist’s travel behavior and contribute to road safety design standards serving both local and foreign users.

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    Manual de Dispositivos Uniformes para el Control del Tránsito

    Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA)

    (2015). Llibre

    Manual de Dispositivos Uniformes para el Control del Tránsito.

    Documento de carácter técnico, actualización del anterior Acuerdo suscrito entre varios países de la región de Centroamérica, que pretende establecer una adecuada uniformidad en la señalización vial regional para el tráfico vehicular y peatonal, así como una eficiente utilización de los dispositivos de control de tráfico, reglas de justificación para su uso, aspectos técnicos para señalización horizontal, vertical, islas de pavimento, semaforización, dispositivos de control y seguridad de tráfico y un actualizado catálogo de señales, con el propósito de facilitar y garantizar el movimiento ordenado, seguro y predecible de todos los usuarios de la vías centroamericanas.