Enlaces de Interés


Calidad del aire

UE, información calidad aire

Air quality Guidelines WHO


Datos calidad aire Europa

AirBase is the public air quality database system of the EEA. It contains a information submitted by the participating countries throughout Europe.

The air quality database consists, next to multi-annual time series of air quality measurement data and their statistics for a representative selection of stations and for a number of pollutants, also meta-information on the involved monitoring networks, their stations, and measurments.

The database covers geographically all countries from the European Union, the EEA member countries and some EEA candidate countries. The EU countries are bound to report under the Council Decision 97/101/EC, a reciprocal Exchange of Information (EoI) on ambient air quality. Whereas, the EEA member countries committed themselves to report to the EEA following this EU-legislation or develope the appropriate measuring and reporting infrastructure following EEA's EuroAirnet programme critiria. All data reported within EuroAirnet context are included in the database.

AirBase replaced and continued on the fundaments of two preceding EU databases:
APIS (Air Pollution Information System; air quality data)
GIRAFE (meta information on air quality networks and stations)

Red EMEP, Contaminación Tranfronteriza - Links Relevantes Red EMEP


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