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Training in leading fields

Programming, machine learning, AI, deep learning, social network analysis


Small groups and applied contents

Extensive applied training – Internships


Become a Big Data professional – High-demand job

Applicable to health, economics, finance, cybersecurity…


Multidisciplinary training conducted by specialists of the UV

Engineering, Mathematics, Economics, Law, Medicine, Biology…


Pablo Ferrer: "Globalisation has brought with itself large-scale challenges and we need working methods that are up to the task"

"Globalisation has brought with itself large-scale challenges and we need working methods that are up to the task" | 12 may 2020

Pablo Ferrer chose the Universitat de València because of its leading-edge technology. He feels particularly satisfied with the teaching staff: "The involvement of the teaching staff for the degree and students is extraordinary".

He also highlights the relationship with his classmates: "It is a pleasure to share classes with people who have the same vocation" and he feels satisfied with the content of the subjects. "Not only do we learn what applications the contents have and their relationship with those of the other subjects, in the end we are also able to apply and integrate what we have learned".