Programme code: 3133
Regulations: RD 99/2011
Knowledge branch: Health sciences
Doctoral website:
Organised by:Faculty of Psychology
Management Centre:Postgraduate School
Participating Universities:Universitat de València Estudi General
Programme Coordinator:Dr José Miñarro López
Places available for new students:25 places
Aims: The aim of the doctoral programme is to develop high-level research competences in the different fields of Behavioural Sciences, creating a multidisciplinary and cooperative environment to develop research with high levels of rigour, quality and update in psychology. This approach allows, on one hand, an optimization of the academic resources. On the other hand, it offers a great versatility regarding the research to be developed within the programme because of the great number of researchers and research lines. Finally, it creates opportunities of collaboration and of multidisciplinary research development, and offers unique opportunities to share knowledge, experiences and skills between researchers of different psychology fields.
Description: The viability of the programme is favoured by the integration in an only programme of lines, researchers and contents that previously were divided in numerous programmes. From this point of view, the programme will include a considerable number of new researchers, which will allow the development of numerous non-regulated training activities covering a broad spectrum of possibilities. Also, the integration in an only programme of a great diversity of research lines will strenghten the synergies between different research teams, themes and even different perspectives and orientations. The participation of numerous research lines will favoured the execution of an important volume of research, while it will allow the coordination of the requirement criteria and scientific rigour more advanced in the development of the research competences of doctoral students. Additionally, it is expected to encourage the orientation to publishing the research results according to the most rigorous standards of the scientific community. The multidisciplinary character of the research in Psychology and the wide variety of themes that can be tackled by the researchers will be favoured by the participation in the same programme of distinct approximations, fields of work and research approaches, while allowing to optimise the management processes related to the research training of the doctoral students.
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