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Avisos i alertes de seguretat a la comunitat universitària

Problems with his bead and profile UV? With his password?

If you introduced the data of alternative contact (e-mail addional and/or mobile phone) can conectarse at: RECOVER MY PASSWORD and track the instructions, This mechanism permits it manage autonomament his bead if it had the caution to introduce his data of contact. If for the opposite, did not introduce his data of alternative contact, hauría to track the steps that explain at: https://links.uv./siuv/micontraseña. A time find at posessió of walnut of his user and password, deuría introduce the data of alternative contact, for such to be able to manage you same all this process without any problem. I visit the link at: How contact with me? If it loves coneixer more things on his bead, can read the information that have at 'Profile and bead UV', or connect with our web

2023-10-19: AVÍS CRÍTIC: 🚨Actualitzacions de seguretat de Microsoft (Actualitza't)
2023-10-19: AVÍS CRÍTIC: 🚨 Phishing suplantant a la Universitat de València (Crític)
2023-09-22: AVÍS CRÍTIC: 🚨Fallades de Zero-day: iOS, macOS, Safari i més vulnerables (Crític)
2023-09-13: AVÍS CRÍTIC: 🚨Vulnerabilitats en productes Adobe (Crític)
2023-09-12: AVÍS CRÍTIC: 🚨Vulnerabilitat en Google Chrome (Crític)
2023-07-25: AVÍS CRÍTIC: 🚨Múltiples vulnerabilitats en productes Apple (Crític)
2023-07-20: AVÍS CRÍTIC: 🚨Correu maliciós suplantant a la UV (Crític)
2023-06-29: AVÍS CRÍTIC: 🚨Correu maliciós suplantant a la UV (Crític)
2023-06-23: AVÍS CRÍTIC: 🚨Múltiples vulnerabilitats 0day en productes Apple (Crític)

Awareness at security of the information