The group's tasks progress adequately and has achieved high biolixiviation yields of metals typically found in lithium-ion batteries.
The group's tasks progress adequately and has achieved high biolixiviation yields of metals typically found in lithium-ion batteries.
The Environmental Engineering Research Group (GI2AM), thanks to funding from the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI), is completing the project "Recycling of complex plastic waste from cotton-polyester mixtures (INNEST/2022/205)" (RECIMAP), executed in the period between September 2022 and June 2024.
GI2AM participates in the AVI METALLON project where the recycling and recovery processes of lithium-ion battery waste for metal recovery will be designed and optimized
GI2AM is successfully advancing in the project "Towards sustainable decarbonisation by developing a biorefinery platform from rice straw (MCIN. AEI/10.13039/501100011033)" (BioRiceFinery).
Dr. Eng. Guillermo Quijano, from the UNAM, will give the presentation on July 5 at 11:00 in the Hall of Degrees Joan Pelechano at ETSE-UV invited by the research group GI2AM.
El Grup d'Investigació en Enginyeria ambiental (GI2AM), gràcies al finançament de l'Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (AVI), finalitza el projecte "Reciclat biològic de residus de midó mitjançant la seua fermentació a àcid làctic (INNEST/2021/16)" (BIOREACT), executat en el període comprés entre...