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Qualification certificate for teaching in foreign languages: Italian


  • The deadline for registering the certificates and the Diploma has been extended until 29 October 2021 (Ordre 4/2021).
  • The Ordre 3/2020 of the Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Esport (Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) repeals, with effect from 11 February 2020, the Ordre 17/2013 which authorised Valencian universities to issue the Diploma de Mestre de Valencià (certificate for teaching Catalan) and the certificats de capacitació (qualification certificates for teaching in Catalan and foreign languages). The first transitional provision of the Ordre 3/2020 allows the registration of the Diploma de Mestre de Valencià and the certificats de capacitació until 11 February 2021. See also the corrigendum to the Ordre 3/2020.
Language skills + Professional skills
  Certificate in Italian B2 issued by the UV or equivalent + Italian Philology credits pathway

Italian Philology credits pathway


Applicants must have passed 24 ECTS credits related to Italian Phylology defined by the Department of French and Italian.


You can apply for your certificate by sending an email to or in person at the office of the secretary of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication.

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