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School classroom
Democratic Memory and Education


Memoria democrática y educación (democratic memory and education)


Carmen Agulló, professor of Education Theory and History (UV). Expert in Education of the Republic. Co-author of Maestros valencianos bajo lo franquismo: la depuración del magisterio (1939-1944) and Member of the Democratic History and Memory Club (UV).

Carlos Fuertes, Professor of Social Sciences Education (UV), expert in teaching the history of countries with a violent past. Member of the Democratic History and Memory Club (UV).

Moderated by:

Luís Botello, director of Misiones de la Memoria de CAMDE-*PV

Attendance confirmation: https://go.uv.es/ckPi8q4


Date 28 october 2021 at 19:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Paranimf. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Org: Aula d'Història i Memòria Democràtica de la Universitat de València. CAMDE-PV

Pat: Generalitat Valenciana

Col: Federació Valenciana de Municipis i Províncies (FVMP).


Contact ahmd@uv.es