UV General FoundationPerforming ArtsUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Partners and collaborations


The General Foundation, in accordance with Article 7 of its Statutes, has a primary mission to cooperate in complying with the aims of the Universitat de València. This task is carried out in three areas and general services through the commissioned management by the Universitat de València.

Experience and knowledge in the social-cultural setting, training and teaching, as well as the area of university cooperation for development provides the General Foundation with the tools to act as a bridge between the Universitat de València and society for information transfer and dissemination, university outreach, dissemination, cultural democratization, training and solidarity.


  1. Culture and Training, which encompasses the Area of Musical Activities (Philharmonic Orchestra of the Universitat de València, La Nau Choral School, La Nau Choral Club and the Valencian Flute Group), the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection and Exhibitions (visual arts), Cultural Heritage (cataloguing and restoration of heritage), Performing Arts and Escena Erasmus (theatre), Alumni UV and Cultural Volunteering (university and citizen participation), the Gandia International Centre (Gandia Summer University, postgraduate and courses), the European Documentary Centre (information and documentation), the Digital Newspapers and Periodicals Library and the Futura Project.
  2. University Services, the Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre (OPAL) of the Universitat de València and the Unit for the Integration of People with Disabilities of the Universitat de València (UPD).
  3. Solidarity, which includes the Area de Cooperation (UNESCO Chair of Development Studies at the University of Valencia, awareness, scholarships, 0.7 Programme and InfoSud-Information and Documentary Service) and the University Centre for Early Diagnosis and Treatment (CUDAP).

The General Foundation, registered in the Registry of Foundations in the Valencian Community, was founded by the Universitat de València in June 1983, with initial funding provided by Joaquín Maldonado Almenar.


Is a medium-sized university (approx. 26.000 students) in Germany, which offers 16 faculties. With internationalization as one of the guidung principles on all levels, the university has published an internationalisation strategy which summarizes the goals the UMR has defined to be part of the global community. The internationalization strategy of the UMR aims at implementing an international perspectice at all levels of the institution.

At the moment, nearly 3.5oo international students study at the UMR, with ERASMUS partner institutions in 27 countries. Besides our extensive experience in exchange programmes such as ERASMUS+, UMR has a number of bilateral cooperations on university and faculty level with universities in Asia, North- and South America, Australia and the Arab Region. Of special concern are the strategic partnerships with two Chinese universities, the Zheyiang Daxue in Hangzhou and the Tongji Daxue in Shanghai, as well as the University of Kent in Canterbury. At the moment, UMR offers 16 international degrees in six of the faculties, including several double degree Master Courses.

Central to the administration of the project is the International Office as a link to our international partners as well as between the central administration and the different faculties. Communication between administration and faculties is very active and intense, which is important for the integration of incoming students into the university structures and the implementation of the project within the faculties.

Our aim in the participation within the project is not only to teach knowledge of the individual national disciplines, discourses, traditions and subjects, but as well to promote the job-relevant attitudes of transcultural thinking, in subject-related learning as well as based on informal learning.

Dramarasmus is a European Theatre Project set at the Philipps-Universität Marburg and intended mainly for Erasmus students, but integrating international students from other backgrounds and German students as well, to create a diverse intercultural process. The group creates a productive space for cultural and linguistic exchange between international students and local students in Marburg.

The project was launched in 2011 and was the first project following the idea of Escena Erasmus set at Universitat de València. Since 2014 the project operates as a non-profit association (Dramarasmus e.V.) aimed at promoting the idea of an inter-cultural society.

During the course of a semester Dramarasmus offers weekly workshops of theatre training as well as inter-cultural encounters and reflection, concluded by a theatre production at the end of semester. Since its creation, Dramarasmus has released six plays. The plays had on one side the goal to present famous European playwrights to the audience. On the other hand they aimed to reflect on social phenomena of living in a meritocracy, instrumentalization of fear and construction of identity in general. Moreover, Dramarasmus organized various cultural events, such as a Poetry Night inspired by the inter-cultural topic of “The Other”.

Since the beginning of the project, Dramarasmus has worked closely with the European Office of Philipps-Universität Marburg which provided financial support and organizational help. The project contributed with a performance about “Erasmus Emotions” for the 25th anniversary of the LLP/Erasmus Program, organized by the European Office.

On faculty level, the DRAMARASMUS group is closely linked to the Department for Romance Studies, working with Prof. Winkler to enhance the linguistic and creative capacities of the project. The cooperation with the Faculty for German Studies, Media and Art is planned; discussions are under way with representatives of the linguistic and Arts Departments. Through this close association with the university faculties, the theatre project is continuously linked to the UMR and the internal structures of the institution.

Dramarasmus has been created to cooperate within the Erasmus Scene Network, a tool related to the creative and educational possibilities offered by the individual mobilities of students throughout Europe, hatched between European cities.


CRIT Theatre Company is managed by the ESSENT/ Gestió Creativa de la Cultura SC. It was founded in 2008 by Daniel Tormo (MA in Hispanic and Italian Studies, actor, playwright, theatre producer and entrepreneur), Anna Marí (PhD. in English Studies and MA in Catalan Studies, actress, playwright, theatre producer and entrepreneur) and Josep Valero (MA in Catalan and Italian Studies, actor, director, theatrical producer and entrepreneur).

CRIT has released eight theatre performances since its creation. In addition, in 2010 the team developed and created in València, the international theatre project ‘Escena Erasmus’, funded by the Universitat de València. In 2011, this project became an active network called “Erasmus Scene Network”, based at the Universitat de València and with thousands of students interested in taking part.

‘Escena Erasmus’ has received the Third Charlemagne European Youth Prize awarded by the European Parliament and the city of Aachen for developing European consciousness among young people. Moreover, in its first two years, ‘Escena Erasmus’ has won two important public grants by the Spanish Ministry of Culture with which it has funded its theatre productions and subsequent tours.

In 2012 CRIT was financed by Acción Cultural Española to create and organise a Festival called “Festival de dins”, for the inland and more forgotten Spanish regions. In 2013 the project/festival “Las pequeñas Europas”, funded by Provincial Council of València and the Universitat de València. CRIT began in 2013, together with the Universitat Politècnica de València the European Project ” Glottodrama ” in València. In 2013, the members of CRIT were granted an award in the “Youth Talent” Awards of the Valencian Community.


The University of Padova has always been very active within the framework of the Erasmus programme and its participation goes back to the origins of the programme in 1988, when the first agreements for student exchange (Erasmus-ICPs) were established. Padova has now over 1350 bilateral agreements with more than 500 European universities in 33 countries, being the third university at Italian level.

International Relations Office it’s one of the most active offices in European Projects in Italy

The International Relations Office is responsible for planning, managing and coordinating the international relations programmes of the University of Padova, for promoting, disseminating and running its international academic cooperation initiatives, and for setting up and coordinating the university internationalisation and cooperation programmes.

To this end, the 3 main fields of action are:

  • International Mobility (Main Programmes: Erasmus+ (LLP), Erasmus Mundus, Bilateral Agreements).
  • International University Cooperation and Development Cooperation (Main Programmes: International Summer & Winter Schools.
  • Visiting Scientist, Cooperation initiatives, participation in International Networks).
  • Technical support to apply for EU programmes and management of EU funded education initiatives (Main Programmes: Erasmus+.
  • Cultura, LLP, Erasmus Mundus, EuropeAid, Tempus…

In collaboration with:

CEAR-Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (Spanish Commission for Refugees) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization created in 1979 to defend and promote Human Rights and the full development of people who have fled persecution, violence and harassment, and finally arrive to our country, Spain.

The mission is to defend and promote human rights as well as the integral development of refugees, stateless persons and migrants who are in need of international protection and / or at risk of social exclusion.

Involvement in E+SN: CEAR collaborates on the selection of four people consider legally and under the rules of Humanitarian Law, as refugee; inform participants about their duties and obligations that come with their participation in E+SN; dissemination of the results of the project through their social media; provide FGUV indications about the protocol to follow with people seeking for the refugee status and advice FGUV about the social and economic situation of refugees.