

The urban mobility simulation framework can be downloaded and run locally from the Jason editor, using the ant launcher or Java Web Start. The multi-agent system is highly configurable through XML configuration files, thus, it can be applied to different scenarios. For instance, the user can specify how many towns surround the city as well as the roads that interconnect them through the file "./src/java/traffic/configuration.xml". For each of these entities, concrete parameters can be set such as: the number of habitants, the income per capita distribution, the transports available (e.g. car, train, bus), the length and flow of the roads, etc. The environment is based on a very simple traffic simulator that returns the real times and consumptions of each vehicle. On the other hand, each citizen is represented by an agent that uses the J-MADeM library to make decisions that balance individual and social preferences. The number and the characteristics of each individual as well as of the whole environment can be set within the multi-agent system launcher file named "./urbanmob.mas2j".


Multi-agent simulator for urban mobility. [ZIP]