Fernando Pulidori Prize 2020

Fernando Pulidori (1928-2007)

This year the 13th edition of the Fernando Pulidori (1928-2007) Prize will take place. The prize will be awarded to a young coordination chemist, preferably an expert in thermodynamics and/or kinetics of complexation phenomena in solution, and author of an original paper published in the period 2018-2020 or accepted for publication at the deadline of application (the acceptation letter should be produced). Eligible candidates should be not more than 30 years old on December 31th, 2020 (i.e. they should be born on or after January 1st, 1990), PhD students or grantees at a University or Research Centre.

Applicants must be registered on-line and send an email to the Congress Secretariat (ismec2020@uv.es) before June 30th, 2020.

Fernando Pulidori

Fernando Pulidori (1928-2007) was an italian chemist, specialized in thermodinamic chemistry, solution equilibria and solute-solvent interactions of model organic compounds. He was born on June 26th, 1928 in Ferrara. In 1958, he was graduated in Chemistry at the University of Ferrara, after five years in the food industry, and in 1968 he completed his PhD in Physical Chemistry.

Between 1981 and 2000 he was Full Professor of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Ferrara, aside of Head of the Chemistry Department (1988-1994) and President of the Italian Group of Thermodynamics of Complexes within the Italian Chemical Society.

His research interest focused on three main fields:
  • Solution equilibria: thermodynamic studies on formation of metal complexes with low-molecular weight ligands, stereoselective effects in ternary complex formation and their application in resolution of enantiomer mixtures.
  • Solute-solvent interactions of model organic compounds in aqueous solutions. Hydrophilic-hydrophobic interactions and solvation models.
  • Dipole moments in apolar solvents; corrosion and inhibition of iron corrosion; adsorption of organic compounds at polarized interfaces and electrical double layer structure; electroreduction mechanisms of organic compounds of environmental interest.

What documentation should I present?

Candidates should present the following documents:
  1. A copy of the paper in PDF format.
  2. A curriculum vitae in the EU format and summary of the scientific activity.
  3. A cover letter, by the candidate supervisor or by the corresponding author of the paper, explaining the role of the candidate in the work described in the paper presented for evaluation.
  4. A copy of a valid ID.

Rewards associated to the prize

The winner will take part in ISMEC 2020 with the registration free of charge, she/he will be awarded a prize of 250 € and she/he will have a chance to orally present the winning paper at the award ceremony. An extended abstract of the winner’s scientific activity will be published in “la Chimica e l’Industria”, the official journal of Italian Chemical Society.

Additional info

Submitted applications will be evaluated by the International Scientific Committee of ISMEC 2020. The scientific level of the paper, its originality and innovative character in the field of thermodynamics and/or kinetics of complexes in solution, the curriculum of the applicant and her/his contribution to the research will be taken into account. Feedback on the application will be provided by July 15th, 2020.

Further information about the Scientific Committee, the prize or the past winners can be found in the webpage of the International Group for the Thermodynamics of Complexes.