Francesc Pausas Coll (1877-1944), painter

If you have more information about this painter's life or work, please contact me (email), thank you.

Francesc Pausas
Francesc Pausas, photo from Vida Catalana, Havana, 1924

Francisco (Francesc) Pausas was a painter specializing in portraits (in oils), although he also painted landscapes and other subjects. Born in Barcelona (21/4/1877), father Jaume (Sant Climent, installer) and mother Leonor. He started studying very young at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona, and at the age of 15 he went to Madrid, where he had Joaquim Sorolla as professor; there he studied and copied the classics of the Prado Museum. When younger he participated in several collective exhibitions, for example, at the General Exhibition of Fine Arts in Barcelona (1894, 1898), at the Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc (Sala Parés, 1895), and at the Cercle Artístic de Barcelona (1904). In 1900 he went to Paris to visit the Universal Exhibition, and in 1906 he went to New York where he remained until 1929, when he returned to Barcelona (September 1929, during the Universal Exposition in Barcelona). The doctor Antoni B. Pont (Cadaqués, 1911) described him as "No It takes a lot to sympathize with the artist ... of regular stature, thin, black hair and blond beard, dreamy brown eyes and a soft voice, almost childish; he takes in the look and tone of his voice painted his soul, all artistic."

F. Pausas performed a large part of his work during the period in NY. He first worked as an illustrator in some magazines, but quickly stood out as a painter of oil portraits, and portrayed many personalities of the culture (artists, singers, architects). On February 1st, 1912, he married Maria Sampere Montseny (1885-1953) in Manhattan, and on January 26, 1913, they had their only son, José Jaime (Pepito), who will die of appendicitis (1933) and without offspring. From NY he traveled several times to Catalonia, Panama, and especially to Cuba where he spent long stays. During trips to Catalonia he painted some landscapes on the Costa Brava (for example, in 1911 he painted landscapes in Cadaqués, Cap de Creus and Mallorca) that he later exhibited in NY; In 1910 he was appointed as the delegate of the Society of Foral Attraction of Barcelona for New York. In Panama, he painted some personalities (for example, Belisario Porras and Federico Boyd, presidents of Panama). During the periode in Cuba, he painted many portraits of personalities of the high society (politicians, artists), including country presidents (eg, Gerardo Machado and Carlos Hevia), and participates in various activities of the Catalan Center of Havana (including the decoration, along with other artists, from headquarters in Montalvo Palace, 1924). He also made some exhibitions (Convento de Santa Catalina, 1920, 47 works) and has participated several times in the 'Annual Hall of Fine Arts of Havana' (1921, 1922, 1928).

On his return to Barcelona (1929) he participates in various cultural activities in the city and surrounding areas. He exhibits his work in different galleries in Barcelona, for example, in Galeries Laietanes (1931 , 32 works; 1933 ), the Galeries Busquets ( 1935 ) and Sala Gaspar (1940 , 24 works), and at the Mar i Muntanya Mariner's Center of Sant Feliu de Guíxols (1932, 10 oils and 15 drawings).

He died on July 19, 1944 (67 years) in Barcelona; As a tribute, in 1945 an exhibition was organized in the Galeries Pallarès ; In 1946 Maria Sampere gave the portrait she had made her husband (in 1911, before marrying) at the Museum of Modern Art of Barcelona (currently integrated into the National Museum of Art of Catalonia, MNAC); this is probably the only work that is exposed to the public throughout Europe. Another exhibition of his work was performed in Vilafranca del Penedèsm in 1963.

The fact of having worked mainly in America, and not having left offspring, makes the life and work of Francesc Pausas to be quite unknown. Large part of their works are dispersed in private collections. At the moment we only know three works exposed to the public: Maria Sampere, wife of the painter (1911), at the MNAC; Portrait of Thomas U. Walter (1925), Capitol Architect, in the Capitol (Washington DC, United States); i Barcelona Galvanizing Shop (or Workers in a blacksmith shop ), 1941, at Grohmann Museum (Wisconsin, USA). There is someone other works stored (not in public) in the MNAC (for example, Portrait of Enriqueta Corominas Cots, 1934). Probably there are works in the Capitol of Havana (Cuba). But most of his works are in private collections scattered around the world.

Francesc Pausas had a brother architect, Josep Pausas (4/10/1872 - 13/8/1928; wikipedia), who designed numerous modernist houses around Barcelona (e.g. PDF), and a sister, Enriqueta Pausas (11/20/1869 - 16 / 11/1936). At the death of Francesc, many of the works that they had at home were inherited by the children of Enriqueta (Enric and Joaquim), and currently are dispersed between grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

We have also written about F. Pausas in MNAC's blog (the National Museum of Art of Catalonia): May 16th, 2019 | Nov 21st, 2019 | Apr 15th, 2021 |

Collective exhibition

2a Exp. General de Belles Arts, Barcelona, 1894
Francesc Pausas

4a Exp. General de Belles Arts, Barcelona, 1898
Francesc Pausas

Mandel Brothers, Chicago, 1913
Francesc Pausas

Bellas Artes, Habana, 1922
Francesc Pausas

Museo Nacional, Habana

Bellas Artes, la Habana, 1928
Francesc Pausas

Museo Nacional, Habana

Exp. Primavera, Palau Projeccions, Barcelona, 1933
Francesc Pausas

Individual exhibitions in Barcelona

Galeries Laietanes, 2/1931
Francesc Pausas
Biblioteca de Catalunya, Bcn

Galeries Laietanes, 2/1933
Francesc Pausas

Anunci a Mirador, 1933

Sala Busquets, 1/1935
Francesc Pausas
Biblioteca de Catalunya, Bcn

Sala Gaspar, 11/1940
Francesc Pausas

Galeries Pallarés, 1/1945
Francesc Pausas


Here the work we know by F. Pausas, including the title, the year, and the current location, if known. Many pictures are of bad quality as they were sent by phone from the owners, other are from web pages of auctions. F. Pausas produced many more paintings than those we have compiled here. Some of then can be enlarged by cliking on the picture.




Repòs, ≤1940, JGP.04


Francesc Pausas


Francesc Pausas

Francesc Pausas

Model fent bombolles

Black portraits

Francesc Pausas
Maria Sampere 1911, MNAC.01al MNAC).

Mare del pintor (Leonor Coll), JGP.02

Mare del pintor (Leonor Coll), GTF.01

Francesc Pausas
The young newsboy in the glow of early dawn

Francesc Pausas
Apel·les Mestres, 1934, JTF.02


Maternal pictures

Francesc Pausas
Esposa i fill del pintor, 1920, JGP.01



Mare i fill

Nen dorment, <1933, EDL.12

Francesc Pausas
Victims of war, ≤1917

Petó de Bethoveen, EDL.07


Maria Sampere amb nen, MTM.05

Mare i nen (Maria, Pepito), EDL.06

Female figures

Francesc Pausas

Francesc Pausas
Dona modernista

Francesc Pausas
Mare del pintor (Leonor Coll)


Francesc Pausas

Francesc Pausas

Francesc Pausas

Francesc Pausas
Modelo Flores amb pandereta

Francesc Pausas
Model Flores amb gat, JTF.03

Maria Sampere, GTF.02

Francesc Pausas


Francesc Pausas

Francesc Pausas



Primavera (Nena Conangle)


Francesc Pausas

Francesc Pausas

Francesc Pausas




Francesc Pausas
Thomas U. Walter, 1925, US Capitol, USC.01

Francesc Pausas
Thomas Moran's studio, 1911, BS.01

Autoretrat, 1929

Francesc Pausas
Autoretrat, JTF.01

Autoretrat, CFT.01

Autoretrat, EDL.03

Guillem Serra de Roxlo, ≤1916, 1929?

Fill de Thomas U. Walter, MTM.10

Mi hijo, TTR.04

Avis materns del pintor, EDL.05

Francesc Pausas
Enriqueta Corominas Cots, 1934, MNAC.02

Francesc Pausas
Francesca Valls, 1931, RSV.01

Francesc Pausas
Francesca Valls, 1931, RSV.02

Francesc Pausas
Roser Soliguer Valls, RSV.03

Sr. Llobet

Nenes Clausells (Nuria, Rosa), <1936

Montserrat Clausells


Francesc Pausas
Leonor Coll Marquès, mare del pintor. IVT.01

Francesc Pausas
Jaume Pausas Martí, pare del pintor. IVT.02

Francesc Pausas
Mary Grace Keene, 1931, DK.01

Francesc Pausas
Emmy Destinn as Carmen, 1915

Francesc Pausas

Joaquim Torruella Pausas, RFM.06

Enric Torruella Pausas, MTM.01

Francesc Pausas

JTF.07, <1930

Maria Sampere, 1932?, JTF.06


Francesc Pausas

Eugènia Ordeig, MNAC.03



Francesc Pausas
Edelmira Llaberia, EDL.01

Francesc Pausas
Edelmira Llaberia, EDL.02

Francesc Pausas
Francesc Domènech i filla Edelmira, 1937?, EDL.04

Francesc Pausas
Francesc Domenech i Edelmira Llebaria, EDL.14

Edelmira Domènech, EDL.10

Edelmira mare i filla, EDL.11


Rural world (agriculture, fishing)

Collint cireres, RFM.01


Francesc Pausas
Collidora de reïm, ≤1932

Francesc Pausas

Pelant patates, MTM.02

Pescador arreglan xarxes

Francesc Pausas
Tornant de pescar (Costa Brava), ≤1932

Francesc Pausas

Francesc Pausas
Pescador sortós

Francesc Pausas

Industrial world

Francesc Pausas
Barcelona Galvanizing Shop (Treballadors en una ferreria; antigament, Brooklyn Galvanizing Shop), 1941, Grohmann Museum, Milwaukee, WI, USA, GM.01. A Google Arts

Mystic-religious pictures

(Maria Sampere) RFM.09

Pietat, <1940, RFM.02




Àngel resant



EDL.09, 1940

Alegoria, JGP.06


Sant Climent, GTF.04

Pins, JFT.02


Fishing village


Cala Fredosa (Cap de Creus), 1911





Anunci de galetes, MTM.07


Oques ciutadanes, <1932, JTF.04

Drawings and sketches


Francesc Pausas
Sant Jordi a cavall










More information

F. Pausas with members of the Centre Català, Havana; from left to right: Josep Pineda i Fargas (writter), Francesc Molla i Presas, Francesc Pausas i Coll, Josep Conangla i Fontanilles (politician, writter), Pere Pons Cercós, Claudi Mimó i Caba, i Joaquim Muntal i Gramunt, in Casino de la Playa, La Havana, 1922/1923 (source:

F. Pausas with members of the Centre Català, Havana; from left to right: Francesc Molla i Presas, Marià Grau, Josep Pineda i Fargas, Claudi Mimó i Caba, Josep Conangla i Fontanilles, Joaquim Muntal i Gramunt i Francesc Pausas i Coll, in the Centre Català, in Havana, 1923. (source:

Francesc Pausas (1st row, 5th from left) and friends, Havana, 1924. Other people: Francesc Garcia Escarré (painter, 3rd row, 5th from left). Photo: Vida Catalana 256, sept. 1924. Photo: Vida Catalana 256, sept. 1924.


- Ráfols, J.F. 1953. Diccionario biográfico de artistas de Cataluña, desde la época romana hasta nuestros días. 3 vols. Barcelona, 1951-1954. (vol 2, pàg 315)
- Pont, A.B. 1911. Una hora de arte en Cabo de Creus. El pintor Francisco Pausas. El Autonomista (Suplemento Literario), 1/10/1911, pàg. 21-23.
- Fontbona, F. 2002. Repertori de catàlegs d'exposicions col·lectives d'art a Catalunya (fins a l'any 1938). Compilació a cura de A. Montmany, T. Coso, i C. López. Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona.
- Vida Catalana núm. 256, sept. 1924, L’Havana.
- American Art News vol. 7 (1908) al vol. 18 (1920), NY
- Premsa de Barcelona: La Vanguardia, El Mirador, La Rambla, ...
- Premsa de Sant Feliu de Guixols: La Costa Brava, L'Avi Muné, El Programa, ...
- Moltes de les fotos de quadres provenen d'internet (webs de venda o subhasta d'obres).
- Bases de dades: Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues (ARCA), (arxiusenlinia, xacpremsa), dipòsit digital de la UAB (


Web made by Juli G. Pausas with the collaboration of Jordi Garcia Pausas and Sílvia Lanceta Sans. People that has contributed with information or pictures: Eugenio Ballesteros, Pau Bofill, Edelmira Domènech, Jordi Fina, Robert Fornés, Jaume Fornés, Eugenie Fortier (Frick Art Reference Library), Reyes Pausas, Daniel Pérez, Mireia Planas, Jaume Quintanilla (Col·lecció Banc Sabadell), Yolanda Ruiz (biblioteca del MNAC), Glòria Torruella, Joaquim Torruella, Margarita Torruella, Marta Torruella, Mercè Torruella, Toni Torruella, Isabel Vendrell, Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona.

To provide more information about the life of this painter, or about any of his works, please contact me (email), thank you!

Life | Work