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Luisa Cardona Scholarships

There won't be Call for Luisa Cardona Scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year


Call for Luisa Cardona Scholarships academic year 2022-2023


Publication of the list of applications for Luisa Cardona Scholarships 2022-2023 provisionally admitted and excluded and opening of the period for correcting applications.  The correction is made through the electronic request, deadline: October 21, 2022.

Online applications on online office Universitat de València procedure "Luisa Cardona Scholarhips".

Deadline for applications is from 5 to 30 September 2022.

Scholarship applicants must be enrolled in the master's degree and they are NOT required to pay tuition receipts until scholarships are resolved.



Call for Luisa Cardona Scholarships academic year 2021-2022

List of provisionally admitted and excluded applications for the Luisa Cardona Scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year for enrollment in official master's degrees at the University of Valencia.

Deadline for applications is from 1 to 30 September 2021.

Online applications on online office Universitat de València 



Call for Luisa Cardona Scholarships for adacemic year 2020-2021

Deadline for applications is from 1 to 28 September 2020.

On-line application ENTREU

Resolution of the Vice-Principal for Internalisation and Cooperation of publication of the provisional lists of admitted and excluded students and indication of the deadline for allegations:

  • Annex I - List of provisionally admitted students with the average mark for access to the degree.
  • Annex II - List of provisionally excluded students with indication of the reason for exclusion.
The registration fees of the beneficiaries will be paid directly by the International Relations and Cooperation Service.
Non-beneficiaries must pay the registration fees by contacting the Office of the Secretary of their Faculties.


Call for Luisa Cardona Scholarships for adacemic year 2019-2020

Deadline for applications is from 2 to 27 September 2019.

On-line application ENTREU

Publication of the list of provisional average grade of Luisa Cardona Scholarhips for academic year 2019-2020.



Call for Luisa Cardona Scholarhips for academic year 2018-2019

Deadline for applications is from 3 to 28 September 2018.

Solicitud on-line ENTREU

Correction of errors of Annex II and III



Call for Luisa Cardona Scholarships for academic year 2017-2018

Deadline for applications will end on 30 september 2016.

In order to apply for the scholarship the student must be enrolled in the master.

On-line application ENTREU

Open the deadline for the correction of incomplete applications of the Luisa Cardona Scholarships 2017-2018. The deadline to provide ENTREU with the required documentation will end on January 2, 2018.

List of incomplete applications



Call for Luisa Cardona Scholarships for academic year 2016-2017

Deadline for applications: from 1 september 2016 until 5 october 2016

Annex II, List of students that can apply for scholarship renewal

In order to apply for the scholarship the student must be enrolled in the master.

On-line application ENTREU



Call Luisa Cardona Scholarships for academic year 2015-2016

Deadline: from july 27th until october 5th,  2015.

Annex II, List of studens that can apply for scholarhip renewal

On-line application ENTREU



Call Luisa Cardona Scholarships for academic year 2014-2015

Deadline: from september 1st until october 15th, 2014.



Call Luisa Cardona Scholarhips for academic year 2013-2014

Deadline: October 15, 2013.



Call Luisa Cardona Scholarships for academic year 2012-2013

Deadline for submitting comments: January 30, 2013.

Excluded Students may submit comments within 10 days of this publication. They should contact the Office of International Relations and Cooperation, through check of the University of Valencia (Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 13).

The secretariats of the centers will contact students to regularize tuition receipts.

Deadline: October 15, 2012.


Call Luisa Cardona Scholarships 2011-2012 academic year