1st year
Total credits: 72 | Mandatory: 52, TFM: 12, Optional: 8Code | Name | Credits | Type (of subject) | Course syllabus, schedules, exams |
46439 | Forensic criminology II | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
46443 | Security management | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
46437 | Manifestations of crime | 7 | Compulsory | Check info |
46435 | Sources of information and evaluation of public policies | 5 | Compulsory | Check info |
46436 | Evolution of crime and evolutionary criminology | 5 | Compulsory | Check info |
46444 | Risk and emergency analysis and management | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
46442 | Master's final project | 12 | Master thesis project | Check info |
46438 | Forensic criminology I | 5 | Compulsory | Check info |
Elective subjects | 8 | Optatiu |
Elective subjects
Code | Name | Credits | Type (of subject) | Course syllabus, schedules, exams |
46440 | External internships | 8 | Electives | Check info |
46441 | Introduction to criminal investigation | 8 | Electives | Check info |