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Given that the Master's Degree in Virology is oriented towards the training of researchers, it is essential that the TFM (Master's degree final project) be extensive (30 ECTS), as the aim is to provide practical training in real conditions that will allow students to continue their doctoral studies or other scientific-technical activities in the future.

To carry out TFMs, there is a wide range of laboratories available in the departments promoting the master's degree and in collaborating research centres, as well as in hospitals, technology centres and interested companies. The TFMs will necessarily be tutored by lecturers from the master's degree. However, the direction of the TFM will be the responsibility of the researcher in charge of its execution, either at the Universitat de València or at the collaborating centres.

The TFM will consist of the following activities:

  • Development of an original theoretical, experimental or mixed research project under the tutelage and supervision of a tutor.
  • Preparation of a research report describing the background, objectives, methodology used and results obtained.
  • Presentation and defence of the work carried out before an examining board.

In order to be able to carry out the TFM, students must have passed or be taking the rest of the subjects of the master's degree.

For the defence of the TFM, it will be necessary to have passed all the other subjects.

The body responsible for the evaluation will be a selection board composed of a chairman and two chairpersons, plus their alternates, but the candidate's tutor may not be a member of the selection board.

This selection board will jointly consider the tutor's report on the work carried out by the student, the quality and content of the written report of the work and the quality of the presentation and defence of the work.

The use of Valencian or English in the writing and/or defence of the TFM is acceptable.