Laboratory of Colloidal Methods for Multifunctional Materials (CM3-Lab)

Bachelor's Thesis Defense: Congratulations!


On July 25th, Adrián Aguado-Hernándiz, Ana Torres-Suay, and Hilario Verdeguer-Asensio, members of our team, defended very successfully their Degree Theses.

These are the titles of their Degree Theses:

  • Adrián Aguado Hernándiz: "Energy Storage by Encapsulation of Phase Change Materials"
  • Ana Torres Suay: "Pickering Stabilization as a Synthetic Strategy for the Preparation of Nanoparticles with Catalytic Applications"
  • Hilario Verdeguer Asensio: "Polymer Nanoparticles Cross-Linked by Titanium Oxoclusters: Synthesis and Application in Heterogeneous Catalysis"

Congratulations and best wishes for their future career!

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