

Conference 2023
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    Proceedings book of the IX JSVE 2023
    IX JSVE 2023 and III ICEVS videos and presentations
Conference 2022
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    Proceedings book of the VIII JSVE 2022
    VIII JSVE 2022 videos and presentations
Conference 2021
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    Proceedings book of the VII JSVE 2021
    VII JSVE 2021 videos and presentations
Conference 2020
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    Proceedings book of the VI JSVE 2020
    VI JSVE 2020 videos
Conference 2019
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    V JSVE 2019 photos
    Proceedings book of the V JSVE 2019
    V JSVE 2019 videos
Conference 2018
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    Proceedings book of the IV JSVE 2018
    IV JSVE 2018 videos
Conference 2017
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    III JSVE 2017 photos
    III JSVE 2017 videos
Conference 2016
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    II JSVE 2016 videos
Conference 2015
    General information
    Sessions attendance
    Submission of presentations
    User's manual
    JSVE 2015 videos


Conference 2022

VIII JSVE 2022 and II International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems - Milestones in education: lessons from the pandemic, teaching modalities and SDGs

General information

For the last two academic years, we have been suffering the direct and indirect consequences of the health crisis caused by the pandemic in our teaching practice. On the one hand, this has forced us to deal with different teaching modalities, different from the usual face-to-face teaching. The full online teaching format, hybrid teaching organised according to the type of classes (online theory and face-to-face practice) or face-to-face for the teaching staff, who taught the subject from the classroom, with part of the students attending in person and the rest following the class virtually from their homes, etc. On the other hand, this situation has led to a significant increase in the workload of both teachers and students, with new challenges to maintain attention and motivation, as well as the quality of the teaching-learning process and the assessment system for both groups.

Linked to this, it is becoming increasingly clear that there must be a profound process of updating and revision of teaching materials that goes beyond their adaptation according to the teaching format or training in new technologies and communication platforms. This requires changing the unsustainability of our current economic model, and for these changes to take hold in society, they must also be implemented in education. The study and introduction of the Millennium Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is key to reducing social and economic inequalities, conserving the environment and ecosystems and ensuring that there is a dignified and inclusive future for future generations.

With all this, the education system is in a constant process of change and updating. Learning and teaching are dynamic processes that feed back on the cooperation of teachers. For this reason, we also seek collaboration and interaction with teachers by exchanging opinions, sharing materials openly and encouraging constructive discussion on the methodologies and materials developed. Following this line, we organised the VIII Conference on Electronic Voting Systems (JSVE) and II International Conference on Electronic Voting Systems (IICEVS), a forum for discussion and exchange, open to the entire academic community. Given the practical nature and interest of these conferences, we encourage the academic community to attend and/or share and disseminate by presenting their research in teaching innovation, preferably, but not exclusively, on the following topics:

  • Elaboration and applications of materials for different teaching modalities,
  • Gamification tools,
  • Audiovisual resources and ICTs,
  • Active and innovative methodologies,
  • Adaptation of materials: SDGs,
  • Evaluation of results,
  • Collaborative learning and work,
  • Good teaching practices.

We consider that, given the international nature of the conference, the mixed modality offers certain advantages when it comes to facilitating the participation of attendees and speakers who are unable to travel, but who do wish to take part in the conference. In other words, we encourage local and national participants to follow the conference in person, but those who are unable to attend in person due to residence or health reasons will be able to participate virtually.

  • Day: Wednesday June 22, 2022
  • Mixed modality: In person and online.
  • Place: The Manuel Sánchez Ayuso Room of the Faculty of Economics (first floor) and virtual platform (registrants will receive a link to follow the conference online).
  • Organised by: Proyecto de Innovación Docente (PID): “Elaboración de materiales interactivos y multidisciplinares para favorecer el aprendizaje y evaluación en los estudios de grado.” (UV-SFPIE_PID-1639467)
  • Members of the scientific committee:

López Rodríguez, Mª Isabel; Universitat de València (Presidenta)
Barac Vuckovic, Maja; Universitat de València (Presidenta)
Arauco Urzagaste, Mónica Graciela; UTEPSA (Bolivia)
Barrios Pérez, Víctor E.; Universitat de València
Belaire Franch, Jorge; Universitat de València
Caballer Tarazona, María; Universitat de València
Calvo Roselló, Esperanza; IES Salvador Gadea (Aldaya, Valencia)
Calvo Roselló, Vicenta; Universitat Politècnica de València
Casasús Estellés, Trinidad; Universitat de València
Gadille, Martine; CNRS, Aix Marseille Université, LEST-UMR7317-Centro de Investigación en Economía Laboral y Sociología del Trabajo (Francia)
Gándara Fierro, Guillermo; ITESM (México)
Juan Sánchez, Ricardo; Universitat de València
Juaristi Besalduch, Elena; Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera
Martínez Otero, Juan María; Universitat de València
Masero Moreno, Inmaculada; Universidad de Sevilla
Nagore Lacasa, Pilar; Universitat de València
Palací López, Jesús; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Pardo García Cristina; Universitat de València
Rocha, Luciana; Universidade do Porto
Rohr Trushcheleva, Margarita; Universitat de València
Roig Casanova, Marta; Universitat de València
Ruiz Ponce, Félix; Universitat de València
Sainz Sujet, Paola; UTEPSA (Bolivia)
Sánchez Moreno, José Nicolás; Universidad Católica de Colombia
Tamborero Sanjuán, Mª Pilar; Universitat de València
Vitale, Raffaele; Universidad de Lille (Francia)



Sessions attendance

The VIII JSVE are open to all the university and educational community, especially destined to Teaching and Research Staff (PDI), but also dedicated to Service Administration Staff (PAS) and students. The assistance is free (price and access), but if you want to attend please fill in the following registration form deadline 19th June (We would like to remind you that the public will be able to follow the conference online). This inscription will entitle you to receive an attendance certificate and, if held in person also a coffe-break both in the morning and in the afternoon.

Submission of presentations

To present a work you will be requested to fill the corresponding FORM deadline 13th of June. All proposals will be subject to a peer review process and notification of acceptance or rejection will be made on 15 June.

For the oral presentations of the accepted works, we recommend the use of the following Power Point slide template that includes all conference and institutional logos required.

Proceedings book of the VIII JSVE 2022

In the VIII JSVE 2022 - Milestones in education: lessons from the pandemic, teaching modalities and SDGs, an on-line publication of the conference will be published, specifically a book of proceedings with ISBN. Participation in the book of proceedings is voluntary and independent of participation as a speaker. All the speakers who want their paper to appear in this book will have to send an extended abstract following the model of PROCEEDINGS TAMPLATE. Please note that the organizing team reserves the right to reject the publication of papers that do not follow the indications of the template.

The length must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words in total, including the abstract and a brief bibliography. The deadline for submitting papers will be 4 July. You must send your works in the indicated term to Vicenta Calvo to the mail


VIII JSVE 2022 videos and presentations

OPENING: By D. Francisco Muñoz Murgui, Decano de la Facultat d’Economia, UV, Don Jose Javier Navarro, Director del Servei de Formació Permanent, UV y Dña. Maja Barac del comité científico y organizador.

  • Session 1 + Discussion: Collaborative and cooperative learning
    Session 1TitleSpeakersAffiliation
    Presentation 1 El Metaverso como herramienta para mejorar la experiencia docente y la interacción entre alumnos de grado en fisioterapia. Resultados de un estudio piloto Vicent Benavent Caballer Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, CEU
    Presentation 2Agenda 2030: Rethink Alfafar Katia Esteve Mallent Facultad de Derecho, Empresa y Ciencias Políticas, CEU Cardenal Herrera.
    Presentation 3Simuladores hápticos en anestesia bucal Berta Garcia Mira Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV
    Presentation 4Flipgrid como herramienta facilitadora de la comunicación en el contexto del COVID-19 Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer Facultat d'Economia, UV
    Presentation 5El Cuaderno del Alumno/a como herramienta para el aprendizaje cooperativo del Acrosport Roberto Sanchis-Sanchis Facultat de Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport, UV

  • Session 2 + Discussion: Multimedia materials and gamification
    Session 2TitleSpeakersAffiliation
    Presentation 1Desarrollo de material multimedia para el Grado de Odontología de la Facultad de Medicina y Odontología de la Universidad de Valencia. Experiencia de nuestro equipo tras ocho proyectos de innovación docente Vanessa Paredes Gallardo Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV
    Presentation 2Integración de Realidad Aumentada y Kahoot para el aprendizaje de anatomía dental: una propuesta didáctica Sofía Folguera Ferrairó Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV.
    Presentation 3Análisis de la satisfacción del alumnado con las mejoras implementadas en las sesiones de simulación clínica avanzada en pediatría y neonatología Maria del Rosario Molins i Escrig Facultat d’Infermeria i Podologia, UV.
    Presentation 4Análisis comparado del uso de TIC en promociones pre-COVID y COVID: un estudio de caso Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Facultat d'Economia, UV.

  • Session 3 + Discussion: Self-assessment and quantitative teaching
    Session 3TitleSpeakersAffiliation
    Presentation 1 ¿Cómo mejorar la motivación y el rendimiento académico de los alumnos en Diseños de Investigación? El sistema Discentibus Marta Alcaide Facultat de Psicologia, UV.
    Presentation 2La innovación dentro de la innovación Otra forma de enseñar desde la participación, la acción y colaboración empleando los ODS y el formato TED Talk Lucía Aparicio Chofré Facultat de Dret, UV.
    Presentation 3Sobre la adecuación de los conocimientos cuantitativos previos de los estudiantes de primer curso en la Facultat d’Economia de la UV Trinidad Casasús Estellés Facultat d'Economia, UV
    Presentation 4La magia de... “estadistica” (paquete de R) Rosario Martínez Verdú Facultat d'Economia, UV.
    Presentation 5Género y síndrome del impostor en estudiantes de grado María Caballer Tarazona Facultat d'Economia, UV.

  • Guest Speaker + Discussion
    • Guest SpeakerTitleSpeaker Occupation
      Guest Speaker “Transversalización de la Agenda 2030 en la docencia: ¿Cómo contribuir a los ODS desde las aulas?” Ana Alcaraz Departamento de Trabajo Social, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UV.

  • Parallel Session 4a (Presencial en Sala Manuel Sánchez Ayuso) + Discussion: Audiovisual tools and digitization
    Session 4aTitleSpeakersAffiliation
    Presentation 1La clase invertida favorece el aprovechamiento del tiempo de clase y la participación: experiencia en el Grado de Nutrición Humana y Dietética Dolores Ortiz-Masià Facultat de Medicina i Odontologia, UV
    Presentation 2Elaboración de contenidos multimedia para la mejora de la motivación y rendimiento académico Julián Martínez Moya Facultat d'Economia, UV.
    Presentation 3Una experiencia de innovación docente basada en el aprendizaje tecnocooperativo en el ámbito de la Psicología Social Faraj Abu-Elbar Santirso Facultat de Psicologia, UV.
    Presentation 4Diseño universal para la instrucción (DUI): el vídeo interactivo Sergio Dolz Ferrer Facultat d'Economia, UV.
    Presentation 5Nuevas tecnologías e interacción personal en el aula María Jesús García García Facultat de Dret, UV.

  • Parallel Session 4b (En línea y aula 2P04) + Discussion: Ethics and new teaching resources
    Session 4bTitleSpeakersAffiliation
    Presentation 1El aprendizaje del buen gobierno en las Ciencias Sociales: Un proyecto piloto sobre los instrumentos de gestión ética en las organizaciones político-sociales Gonzalo Pardo Beneyto Facultat de Dret, UV.
    Presentation 2Explorando el surgimiento y la evolución de la ciudadanía y la democracia con tecnologías inmersivas Guillermo Gándara, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno Tecnológico de Monterrey (México).
    Presentation 3Reinventando la enseñanza para el estudio del futuro: bloque Prospectiva escenarios político-económicos internacionales María Del Rosario Tapia Baranda Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey (México).
    Presentation 4Programa de Responsabilidad Social “Yomasa” Aprendizaje y Servicio Comunitario José Nicolás Sánchez Moreno Facultad de Economía, Universidad Católica de Colombia.
    Presentation 5Nuevos recursos didácticos para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las Matemáticas Universitaria en la era digital: Materiales Didácticos Digitales Inmaculada Concepción Masero Moreno Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, US

CLOSSING of the VIII JSVE 2022 y II JISVE: By Dña. Marta Roig, of the Scientific and the Organizing Committee of the Conference.

