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Methods to be used and developed

Technical oriented, group-dynamic, as well as research oriented methods will be used: The technical adaptation will be undertaken by a specialised company. The acceptance of the tools will be assessed in a practical manner during seminars (group-dynamic) and by analysing questionnaires as well as by the use of structured telephone enquiries. The seminars and the inquiries will be co-ordinated and organised by the partners in the respective countries.

The development of distribution channels will be elaborated on the basis of the knowledge of the partners being beneficiaries or not. Based on these analyses and results, recommendations for a successful adaptation of CBTs in other cultural and working environments will be formulated.


  • As mentioned above, four seminars will be organized in every participant country, also in Germany, through group-dynamic techniques and practical experiences with the e-learning tools using laptops. The target group will be truck and bus drivers, managers or leaders of transport companies, or driving school trainers. The seminars are aimed at presenting the new learning tool and at collecting information about the acceptance of the learning material. A draft programme is added as an annex. A trainer shall conduct the seminars in close co-operation with the participant organisation of each country.

Questionnaires and structured enquiries

  • A special questionnaire will be developed mainly by Institut Gute Fahrt and INTRAS for the purpose of testing the general acceptance of this type of learning materials. It will also include questions concerning content and quality of the CTS as well as questions regarding the future dissemination. Furthermore, it shall sample the weakness or potential improvements of the CBTs as well as the training seminar. The analysis of the questionnaire will be undertaken at national level by the participant organisations and will become part of the national report. A global report will be compiled to carry out a comparison between the participant countries. The reports will contain a short state of the art overview of the availability of CBT learning tools for professional drivers (bus or truck drivers) in the respective countries.

Internal evaluation

A steering committee will undertake a process evaluation and give guidance in relation to the implementation of the project. Beside representatives from the partners, the steering committee will include representatives from the haulage sector (e.g. BGL – Bundesverband Güterverkehr und Logistik, ASTIC – Associación Transporte Internaciobnal de Carreteras), from the driving school sector (e.g. BVFV – Bundesverband der Fahrlehrerverbände, Austrian School driver association, EFA, CIECA), from the public transport sector ( e.g. Association Public Transport in Poland and in Germany (VDV)) and of the Work Accident Insurance sector (e.g. BGF – Berufsgenossenschaft Fahrzeughaltungen). The steering committee will also have the function to control if the deliverables have been elaborated in time and with the required quality.

  • the implication of the partners in the action (partner organisations) and the reason for this choice
  • of partners, and the proposed team for the implementation of the project.

    The project team will be centred around a reliable partnership between DVR (Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat e.V., Germany), Institut Gute Fahrt (Austria), Motor Transport Institute MTI Poland and Instituto Universitario de Tráfico y Seguridad Vial INTRAS from Spain. This team joined in an effort to share experiences about developing, implementing and using educational and safety awareness tools to improve road safety. It has the necessary European and international reach to facilitate research and promote the use of the final product. Since the project objectives require scientific, pedagogical and practical experience and skills within the project team, the selection of the team members has received special attention and was based on the following criteria: The consortium was set up with a view to achieving both excellence in the field of road safety and road safety education and maximum insight into specific conditions and institutional settings of the road transport industry at the level of the four countries in the project.


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