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Definition of the objectives of the project

The intention of this project is to offer new learning tools in the field of road safety and to elaborate good dissemination practices in Austria, Poland, Spain and Germany for the CBTs 'Fatigue' and 'Driving Physics'. The project's main focus is to transfer the CBTs into the Austrian, Polish and Spanish working and traffic environments. Truck and bus companies and their drivers as well as individual car drivers shall be targeted with these produced CBTs.

In general and from an educational perspective, CBT has shown it is a successful method to support an individual and flexible learning process. From an economical point of view, CBT has proven its usefulness for application in road safety education. Haulage and bus transport companies – often SMEs – will be faced with the implementation of the new European Directive in the field of qualification for professional drivers, where this type of learning methods could be a useful solution.

Training is not only needed to comply with the above mentioned Directive, but also to improve safety and health at work. Accidents generate costs for the haulage and transport industry, the health sector and the insurers and therefore minimize the effectiveness and the competitiveness particularly of SME operating in this sector.

Road safety training helps employees and self-employed people to minimize health and safety risks by being more informed, qualified and aware. Different forms of training may be beneficial at different stages in a driver's career. Therefore, beside the use of this learning tool in transport companies, the CBTs shall be tested in the driving school environment.

Beside the adaptation of these learning tools, added to a revision of other similar tools in these countries, this project shall compile all the experiences made through this exercise by formulating recommendations for the international transfer and adaptation of learning tools, specifically CBTs, for the road transport sector.


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