
Over the last few decades, temporary employment has increased across Europe and temporary workers now represent an important percentage of most industrialized companies aiming at saving labour costs, covering peaks in demand, short-term absence, etc.
In this context, researchers, HR managers and companies are confronted with some unresolved issues concerning the impact related to the use of temporary employment for both the employee and the organisation. For instance:

_ What advantages does temporary work have for individuals and companies? __Are there disadvantages as well?

_ Does temporary employment affect employees´performance, number of __accidents, health or well-being? Do permanent and temporary employees differ __in terms of attitudes to work and company?

_ How do temporary employees perceive their employment arrangement?

_ Do employees perceived that their employer provides them with a good __working atmosphere, with an interesting work, etc? Do they perceive that their __company has fulfilled their promises to them?

The PSYCONES project, in collaboration with companies, wants to respond this unresolved issues. For this reason we invite companies to participate with the research guaranteeing complete confidentiality. Our scientific knowledge and practical experiences from companies can shed more light on these questions.

Participation in this project has some important advantage taking an organisational perspective.

- Companies may benefit from receiving reliable information on the effects of contract __permanency and on suggestions for HR practices. General results on this issues across __countries and companies will be announced at the web page.

- Moreover, in certain cases some results at a company-level will be presented to the __companies involved, in such a way that information about the company within the z_larger sector as a referent, and taking into account the national labour market, will be __presented.

- Moreover, it is likely that by participating in our project, employees will perceive_their __employer as being more concerned about their well-being.


__________________ _About the data collection procedure

___________________About the questionnaire to employees