


De Jong, J., Rigotti, T., Bernhard-Oettel, C., & Clinton, M. (2015). Nonlinear Associations between Breached Obligations and Employee Wellbeing. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30, 374-389.

Rigotti, T., Mohr, G., & Isaksson, K. (2015). Job Insecurity among Temporary Workers: Looking Through the Gender Lens. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 36, 523-547.


Scheel, T., Rigotti, T., & Mohr G. (2014). Training and performance of a diverse workforce. Human Resource Management, 53, 749-772.


Bernhard-Oettel, C., Rigotti, T., Clinton, M., & De Jong, J. (2013). Job insecurity and well-being in the temporary workforce: Testing volition and contract expectations as boundary conditions. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22, 203-217.

Scheel, T., Rigotti, T., & Mohr, G. (2013). HR Practices and their Impact on the Psychological Contracts of Temporary and Permanent Workers. International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(2), 285-307.


Clinton, M., Bernhard-Oettel, C., Rigotti, T. & De Jong, J. (2011). Expanding the Temporal Context of Research on Non-Permanent Work: Previous Experience, Duration of and Time Remaining on Contracts and Employment Continuity Expectations. Career Development International, 16(2), 114-139.


Rigotti, T. (2009). Arbeitnehmer-Arbeitgeberbeziehungen im Wandel [Changing employment relationships]. In Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Hrsg.), Soziale Arbeitsbeziehungen: Probleme und Perspektiven (pp. 112-127 in Russian, pp. 255-268 in German). Moskau: Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung.

Rigotti, T. (2009). Enough is Enough? Threshold models for the relationship between psychological contract breach and job related attitudes. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 18, 442-463.

Rigotti, T. (2009). Der Psychologische Vertrag und seine Relevanz für die Gesundheit von Beschäftigten. In B. Badura, Schröder, H., Klose, J., & Macco, K. (eds.), Fehlzeitenreport 2009, „Psychische Belastungen reduzieren – Wohlbefinden fördern“ (pp. 157-164). Berlin: Springer

Rigotti, T., De Cuyper, N., De Witte, H., Korek, S., & Mohr, G. (2009). Employment prospects of temporary and permanent workers: Associations with well-being and work related attitudes. Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology in Everyday Activity, 2, 22-35.



De Cuyper, N., De Jong, J., De Witte, H., Isaksson, K., Rigotti, T. & Schalk, R. (2008). Literature review of theory and research on the psychological impact of temporary employment: Towards a conceptual model. International Journal of Management Reviews, 10(1), 25-51.

De Cuyper, N., Rigotti, T., De Witte, H. & Mohr, G. (2008). Balancing psychological contracts: Validation of a typology. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19, 543-561.

Rigotti, T., Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2008). Die Bedeutung von organisationaler Gerechtigkeit für das Beanspruchungserleben in Abhängigkeit von Kontextbedingungen: Ein Mehrebenenansatz [The impact of organizational justice for strain of employees in dependence of contextual factors: A multilevel approach]. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 10(2), 24-33.

Rigotti, T., Schyns, B. & Mohr, G. (2008). A short version of the occupational self-efficacy scale: Structural and construct validity across five countries. Journal of Career Assessment, 16(2), 238-255.


Rigotti, T., Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2007). East-West differences in employment relations, organisational justice and trust: Possible reasons and consequences. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28 (2), 212-238.

Rigotti, T., Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2007). Psychologische Verträge und ihr Zusammenhang zu psychosozialem Befinden von Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern [Psychological contracts and their relationship with psychosocial well-being of employees]. In P. Richter, R. Rau & S. Mühlpfordt (eds.), Arbeit und Gesundheit (pp. 227-246). Lengerich: Pabst.


Rigotti, T., & Mohr, G. (2006). Trau - Schau - Wem? Vertrauen in die Organisation als salutogenetischer Katalysator [Trust in organisation as a salutogenetic catalyser]. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 22 (2/3), 22-29. (Based on data of the main study).


 Clinton, M. (2005). Uncertainty, Insecurity and Temporary Working: A Conceptual 
and Theoretical. Analysis Proceedings of the Occupational Psychology Conference of 
the British Psychological Society, Warwick (pp. 128-130). 

Estreder, Y., and Adell, M. (2004-05). Satisfacció i rendiment dels docents als centres educatius de la Comunitat Valenciana(Job satisfaction and performance among teachers from Valencian Comunity schools). Anuari de Psicología de la Societat Valenciana de Psicología, 10(2), 61-73.

Rigotti, T. & Mohr, G. (2005). German Flexibility: Loosening the reins without losing control. In N. De Cuyper, K. Isaksson & H. De Witte (eds.), Employment contracts and Well-being among European Workers (pp. 75-102). Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing.

Silla, I., Gracia, F.J. and Peiró, J.M. (2005). Diferencias en el contenido del contrato psicológico en función del tipo de contrato y de la gestión empresarial pública o privada (Psychological contract in permanent and temporary employees from public and private companies). Revista de Psicología Social, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp.61–72.

Silla, I., Gracia, F. y Peiró, J. M. (2005). Job insecurity and health-related outcomes in different types of temporaries. Economic and Industrial Democracy, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 89-117.


Clinton, M. & Guest, D. (2004). Fulfilment of the psychological contract and associated work attitudes: The role of fairness and trust. In Proceedings of Annual BPS Occupational Psychology Conference 2004 (pp. 60-64). Stratford; UK.

Guest, D. (2004). Flexible employment contracts,the psychological contract and employee outcomes: an analysis and review of the evidence. International Journal of Management Reviews, Volume 5/6, Issue 1, pp.1 –19.

Rigotti, T., & Mohr, G. (2004). Der Erklärungswert des Psychologischen Vertrages in drei organisationalen Kontexten. In W. Bungard, B. Koop & C. Liebig (Eds.), Psychologie und Wirtschaft leben. Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschafts-psychologie in Forschung und Praxis, pp. 446-451. Mering: Rainer Hampp. ABSTRACT


De Cuyper, N. & De Witte, H. (2003). Tijdelijk werk en jobonzekerheid. De impact op obtevredenheid, organisatiebetrokkenheid, performantie en verloopintentie (Temporary work and job insecurity: the impact on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, performance and turnover intention). In: Herremans, W. (Red.), De Arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen. Verslagboek Arbeidsmarktonderzoekersdag 2003. Leuven: Steunpunt Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Vorming, pp. 95-114.

Guest, D. (2003). Employment Contracts, the Psychological Contract and Employee
Outcomes: An Analysis and Review of the Evidence. Research Paper 19. The Management Centre, King’s College, London.


Claes, R., De Witte, H., Schalk, R., Guest, D., Isaksson, K., Krausz, M., Mohr, G., & Peiro, J-M. (2002). Het psychologisch contract van vaste en tijdelijke werknemers (The psychological contract of permanent and temporary workers). Gedrag en Organisatie, Volume 15, Issue 6, pp. 436-455.


Book chapters


De Cuyper, N., De Witte, H., Krausz, M., Mohr, G. & Rigotti, T. (2010). Individual and organizational outcomes of employment contracts. In D. Guest, K. Isaksson & H. De Witte (Eds.), Employment Contracts, Psychological Contracts and Worker Well-Being: An International Study (pp. 65-88). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rigotti, T., Mohr, G., Clinton, M. & Guest, D. (2010). Investigating the experience of temporary working. In D. Guest, K. Isaksson & H. De Witte (Eds.), Employment Contracts, Psychological Contracts and Worker Well-Being: An International Study (pp. 25-44). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schalk, R., De Jonge, J., Rigotti, T., Mohr, G., Peiro, J. M. & Caballer, A. (2010). The Psychological Contracts of Temporary and Permanent Workers. In D. Guest, K. Isaksson & H. De Witte (Eds.), Employment Contracts, Psychological Contracts and Worker Well-Being: An International Study (pp. 89-120). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Rigotti, T. (2009). Arbeitnehmer-Arbeitgeberbeziehungen im Wandel [Changing employment relationships]. In Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Hrsg.), Soziale Arbeitsbeziehungen: Probleme und Perspektiven (pp. 112-127 in Russian, pp. 255-268 in German). Moskau: Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung.

Rigotti, T. (2009). Der Psychologische Vertrag und seine Relevanz für die Gesundheit von Beschäftigten. In B. Badura, Schröder, H., Klose, J., & Macco, K. (eds.), Fehlzeitenreport 2009, „Psychische Belastungen reduzieren – Wohlbefinden fördern“ (pp. 157-164). Berlin: Springer.


Rigotti, T., Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2007). Psychologische Verträge und ihr Zusammenhang zu psychosozialem Befinden von Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern [Psychological contracts and their relationship with psychosocial well-being of employees]. In P. Richter, R. Rau & S. Mühlpfordt (eds.), Arbeit und Gesundheit (pp. 227-246). Lengerich: Pabst.


Rigotti, T. & Mohr, G. (2005). German Flexibility: Loosening the reins without losing control. In N. De Cuyper, K. Isaksson & H. De Witte (eds.), Employment contracts and Well-being among European Workers (pp. 75-102). Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing.


Scale Manuals

Mohr, G., Rigotti, T. & Müller, A. (2009). Irritation Index. For the assessment of work-related strain. Oxford: Hogrefe.