
Rafa's Photo

Rafa Martí is Professor in the Statistics and Operations Research department at the University of Valencia, Campus de Burjassot, Valencia, Spain. His teaching and research are devoted to Statistics, Mathematical Programming, and Heuristic Optimization. He is co-author of seven books, being the last one Discrete Diversity and Dispersion Maximization (Springer 2023), and has secured an american patent. Prof. Martí is currently Area Editor in the Journal of Heuristics and Associate Editor of the European Journal of Oper. Res., TOP-Transactions in Ops. Research, the Math. Prog. Computation, and the Int. Journal of Metaheuristics. He coordinates the Spanish Network in Metaheuristics, currently funded as a SEIO working group and by the Spanish Goverment.

Prof. Martí has published almost 200 papers, and around 125 are in JCR-indexed journals (h-index=58 and i10-index=147 according to Google scholar). He has also contributed with around 100 presentations in conferences and universities, from which about half of them were invited. Martí is Senior Research Associate of OGA (Consulting), and has been invited professor at the University of Colorado (USA), Molde (Norway), Wien (Austria), Bretagne-Sud (France), UCD (Dublin), and Panamá. The Web of Knowledge, compiles 136 of his papers and computes an h-index=34. (Download curriculum vitae).

Rafa Martí es Catedrático de Universidad en el Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa de la Universitat de Valéncia, Campus de Burjassot (Valencia), Espa a. Desarrolla su labor docente e investigadora en materias de Estadística, Programación Matemática, y Optimizaci n Heurística. Es co-autor de 7 libros, siendo el último la monografía Discrete Diversity and Dispersion Maximization (Springer Nature, 2023), y tiene registrada una patente americana. El profesor Martí actualmente es editor de área de la revista Journal of Heuristics y editor asociado de las revistas TOP, European Journal of Oper. Res., Math. Prog. Computation e Int. Journal of Metaheuristics. Coordina la red Española de Metaheurísticas, actualmente financiada como un grupo de trabajo de la SEIO y por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (TIN2017-90844-REDT).

El Prof. Martí ha publicado alrededor de 200 artículos científicos, de los cuales alrededor de 125 se encuentran en revistas indexadas en el JCR (con ndices h=58 e i10=147 según Google Scholar). Ha realizado alrededor de 100 presentaciones en congresos y universidades, de las cuales aproximadamente la mitad han sido invitadas. Martí es investigador asociado de OGA (USA), y ha sido profesor invitado en las universidades de Colorado (USA), Molde (Noruega), Viena (Austria), Bretagne-Sud (Francia), UCD (Dublin) y Panamá. La Web of Knowledge le contabiliza 136 publicaciones y un índice-h=34. (Descargar curriculum vitae).


Data driven solutions
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OGA is a company specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research that bases its value contribution on the development of digital twins of critical business processes in sectors such as industrial, logistics or defense. OGA provides services to top companies such as Indra, Coca-Cola, Iberdrola, or Abengoa. OGA creates data-driven business solutions in critical processes such as production or logistics of all types of organizations.

The collaboration between Prof. Martí and OGA started in 2022 when he joined the Catedra board of technological experts to support their research. Since then, the collaboration has been extended with a contract (Feb. 2024) between the University of Valencia and OGA to directly participate in optimization projects.


Research project
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Rafa Martí and Anna Martínez-Gavara coordinate the research project entitled Supply Chain Optimization (SCOOP) This is a joint project with Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) and includes 20 researchers. In this project we develop algorithms, based on metaheuristic methods, which integrated in a software, solve hard optimization problems. It is funded by the Spanish Goverment with the code PID2021-125709OB (2022-2024).

The collaboration between our group and the URJC team (GRAFO) started in 2006 when Profs. Martí and Duarte published a paper in the European Journal of Operational Research. Since then, both teams have published together almost 50 JCR-indexed papers and 25 book chapters, and their research has been presented in more than 50 international conferences. This collaboration has received remarkable evaluations on previous joint funded projects, such as: TIN2012-35632, TIN2015-65460 or PGC2018-095322.

In the OPTSICOM website, codes, instances and best known solutions for the problems in which we are working are available. You can directly download from here the LOLIB and MDPLIB 2.0.

2023-24 Publications

Latest journal papers

Strategic Oscillation Tabu Search for Improved Hierarchical Graph Drawing
Cavero, S., Pardo, E., Glover, F., Martí, R. ,
Expert Systems with Applications 243, 122668 (2024)

A Review of the Role of Heuristics in Stochastic Optimisation: from metaheuristics to learnheuristics
Juan, A., Keenan, P., Martí, R., McGarraghy, S., Panadero, J., Carroll, P., Oliva, D.,
Annals of Operations Research 320, 831-861 (2023) (available upon request)

General Variable Neighborhood Search for the Minimum Strech Spanning Tree Problem
Singh Kardam, Y., Kamal Srivastava, and Rafael Martí,
Optimization Letters 17, 2005–2031 (2023)

Heuristics for the Profitable Close-Enough Arc Routing Poblem
Reula, Miguel and Martí, Rafael,
Expert Systems with Applications Published online June 2023

A fast path relinking for the min-max edge crossing problem
Bo Peng, Lunwen Wu, Rafael Martí, Jiangshui Ma
Computers and Operations Research 166, 106603 (2024)

Mathematical models and solving methods for diversity and equity optimization
Martí­, R., Parreño, F., Mortes, J.
Journal of Heuristics, Submitted April 2023

The Stochastic Scatter Search Metaheuristic
Martí­nez-Gavara, A., Keenan, P., Pariente, A., Martí­, R., and Juan, A.
Memetic Computing, Submitted August 2023

Tabu Search for the Capacitated Dispersion Problem
Yang Wang, Zhipeng Lü, Zhouxing Su, Rafael Martí,
Computers and Operations Research , Submitted 2022


Professional address
(34) 96.3543090
Dpto. de Estad stica e I. O.
Facultad de Matem ticas
Dr. Moliner 50, 46100
Burjassot, Valencia, España

2019 Award

INFORMS Journal on Computing
Informs has awarded Rafael Martí and his co-authors, to honor their paper Scatter search and local NLP solvers, published in this journal in 2007, with the Test of Time Paper Award, for having been the most impactful over a prolonged period.

2021 2% Top Scientist

Standford Ranking of top researchers
The Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford University has published a rank with the top 2% most-cited scientists. It is calculated using Scopus citation data over 22 years, and ranks 150,000 scientists classified into 22 scientific fields. Prof. Martí, ranks in position 352 in the Operations Research field.

The reference site for researchers
The world reference portal for research ranks scientist, journals and universities according to their profile, publications, and quality. Rafa Martí ranks 7th among the Spanish Mathematicians .


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