Manuel Sanchis i Marco ::.

.:: Professional Experience

.:: Professional Experience in a nutshell
.:: Professional experience more in detail

Professional experience more in detail ::.

1. Associate Professor (Tenured) of Applied Economics at the University of Valencia (Spain):

I am currently teaching “The Economics of the Spain”. I was also Visiting Professor at the University of Antwerp during the academic years 1989 90 and 1990-91. I am Licenciado and Doctor (with Distinction in both cases) in Economics from the University of Valencia (1977 and 1984) and I hold the Certificate of Advanced European Studies from the College of Europe (1980). I obtained the Ph.D. Prize granted by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valencia to the best Ph.D. dissertation in the academic year 1983 84. I was Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution in 1993 94, while on leave from the Commission. I have published La peseta ante el sistema monetario europeo (1988) amongst other books as well as several articles in professional journals (Research and Publications).

2. Principal Administrator at the European Commission.

a) During 1986-98 in DG ECFIN: I was involved during 1986-90 in the preparation of reports on the economic and monetary situation in Spain, the United Kingdom and Portugal for the Monetary Committee and for the Economic Policy Committee (vid. supra the section on Research and Publications). In 1989,I represented the Commission at the regular meetings of the Monetary Policy Sub Committee of the Central Banks of the Member States of the EC in Basle. During 1991-94, I was in charge of the analyses of the European insurance, pension funds, retirement and export credit insurance industry in the perspective of the Single Market. During 1994-96, I undertook the economic forecasts for the Italian economy at several rounds. Finally, during 1997 -8 I updated and ran the DG ECFIN macroeconomic model of cyclical adjustment of budget balances for EU Member States and monitored the excessive deficit procedure for Germany, Spain, Austria, the United Kingdom and Luxembourg.

b) During 1998-2005 with DG EMPL: I contributed to reinforce the analytical work on labour market and employment issues. My major tasks have been the preparation of several G-8 Labour Ministers Summits, the analysis of job quality and the preparation of indicators of job quality for the Laeken European Council in December 2001, the construction of synthetic indicators of flexibility and adaptability of the labour market and the analysis and monitoring of EU tax/benefit systems. Since 2002, I prepared several analytical notes for the attention of the Social Protection Committee, and drafted the Communication on Making Work Pay adopted by the Commission on December 2003. I was the responsible person for the drafting, together with Acceding Countries, of the Joint Inclusion Memoranda for Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovenia, which were signed by Commissioner Diamantopoulou and the Ministers responsible for Social Affairs of the acceding countries on the Ministerial Conference of 18th December 2003. In 2004, I drafted the Commission communication on the Synthesis of JIM in acceding countries. In 2004-05, I prepared the draft of the Commission communication on Minimum Income guarantee schemes for people excluded from the labour market.

3. Activity in professional associations:

  1. Founder Member of the Asociación Española de Economía y Finanzas Internacionales (Spanish Association of International Economics and Finance).
  2. Founder Member of the Revista de Economía Aplicada (Review of Applied Economics)
  3. Member of Institut de Recerca en Economia Aplicada Regional i Publica, AQR-IREA, University of Barcelona.

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[ Graphic Designer: Blas Cubells | ]